Posts Tagged ‘Train’

Urban Camo: Bus & Train Fabrics Turned into Wearable Textiles

15 Aug

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

fabric matching transit dress

Transportation system patterns, right down to seat cloth details, are designed to last and look good even when stained by dirt and spilled drinks over time, making them an oddly suitable choice to turn into apparel.

transportation camouflage germany

Of course, what looks best under those strained conditions can also look downright strange when turned into suits for human wearers, as Germany artist Menja Stevenson explored firsthand.

fabric cloth outfit artist

“No matter how many subway lines, buses, trams, trains, and other public conveyances we ride, we are rarely left with a positive impression of the upholstery,” writes David Gibson of the BBC in discussing this art project. “As sure as roses are red and violets blue, transport fabric is a multihued graphic abomination, possibly crawling with pathogens.”

matching cloth

Stevenson contacted transportation officials and managed to get large enough sections and samples sent her way in order to start making her distinct urban outfits.

transit suit outfit

“For many years I had to take the bus to the academy where I studied art,” says the artist. “Such a pattern, like a lot of everyday things, imprints itself into our memory unconsciously without being actually perceived.Through my intervention the beholder (or passenger) becomes aware of the ‘invisible’ fabric.”

urban outfit

Of course, by outfitting herself in transit-mapping fabrics, Stevenson goes from being invisible to highly visible, inevitably generating conversations from curious onlookers who notice her fitting in while standing out (via Colossal).

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Mobile Museums: French Train Cars Filled with Impressionist Art

07 Jun

[ By SA Rogers in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

french train car musems 1

Commuters traveling from Gare Saint-Lazare to Vernon-Giverny in France get to gaze up at a selection of impressionist art from the Musée d’Orsay applied right onto the walls and ceilings of their train cars. The SNCF (French National Railway Company) collaborated with the adhesive experts at 3M for a summer-long installation that will make rail travel a lot more beautiful and relaxing. Three double-height cars on the RER line have been altered for the project, photographed by Christophe Recoura so the rest of the world can catch a glimpse, too.

french train car museums 2

An adhesive graphic film printed with impressionist scenes was carefully applied to immerse train travelers in these serene compositions starring the vague painterly brush strokes the movement is known for. Each car has its own theme: gardens and water, local landscapes or Paris industrialization.

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french train car museums 5

This particular line serves visitors heading to Normandy, the birthplace of Impressionism and home of the annual Impressionist Festival. Sight-seers can gaze up at works by painters like Claude Monet as they travel to his former home in Giverny or to the André Malraux Museum (MuMa), which hosts the second-largest collection of Impressionist works in the world after the Musée d’Orsay in Paris.

french train car museums 6

french train car museums 7

15 juin 2013.Le "Train de l'impessionnisme-Musée d'Orsay/STIF/SNCF".

In fact, a long-serving steam train line direct from Paris to Normandy is credited with encouraging artists to travel to that lush, peaceful corner of France in the first place as Normandy became home to a new school of open-air painting. The trains carried the artists, their families and their aristocratic clientele back and forth between the two cities, delivering them from the modern metropolis to a countryside full of cliffs, meadows and Gothic cathedrals.

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Last Stop: Japan Keeps Old Train Station Open for Lone Passenger

27 Jan

[ By WebUrbanist in Culture & History & Travel. ]

japan railways deserted abandoned

In a remote area of Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan, a train stops just twice a day, as it has for years: once to pick up a girl on her way to school, and once to drop her back off afterward.

rural station interior

The otherwise-abandoned Kyu-Shirataki station remains open, thanks to Japan Railways, which honored the request of two parents to continue transporting their daughter back and forth until she graduates.

rural station last stop

The physical space is remarkably well-kept despite its relative disuse, still containing route maps and schedules as any other station would, despite serving as essentially a single-person shelter for the place’s only daily passenger.

rural station in japan

As the country’s population continues to shrink as well as urbanize, rural routes like this one have been forced to close – only high-speed railway lines remain on the rise. Fans of Japan Railways’ actions in this case see it as a victory for common courtesy as well as education. The line will ultimately close completely after the girl graduates and moves on (via CityLab).

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Not Your Average Model Train: Self-Propelled Mechanical Toys

26 Dec

[ By Steph in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

ugears 1

There are no batteries or power cords needed to propel this steam train and a series of other mechanical models, which come in kits of laser-cut plywood so you can assemble them yourself. UGEARS might just be the ultimate gift to inspire future engineers, with its creators aiming to gin up curiosity about about all of the gears, pistons and wheels that make things work.

ugears 2

ugears 3

ugears 4

ugears 5


We’ve become so used to playing games on electronic touch screens, the inner workings of our gadgets out of sight, that we might just lose touch with the mechanics that have been in use for centuries, the creators say. “UGEARS realized the idea of modular mechanical models in which everything is real. It’s absolutely fascinating to see the true mechanical miracle coming to life in your hands giving you a glorious feeling of creation.”

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Available models include a steam locomotive with a rubber band engine and rail stand, a tractor, a harvester, a mechanical theater and a working safe. Each kit comes with a set of plywood boards with precisely cut-out parts and detailed step-by-step instructions – you supply the rubber bands. No glue is necessary to assemble the parts. A special version of the locomotive is available for just a few more days on the UGEARS Kickstarter, where you can also check out lots more videos of the products in action.

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Reading Railroad: Chicago Rolls Out Mobile Train Car Libraries

23 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

reading railroad

A project in Chicago is turning train cars in the city’s elevated rail network into moving libraries, providing free reads for travelers and commuters using the public transit system.

mobile library movement

mobile book library readin

The Books On the L lending project began as a concept pitched during Chicago Ideas Week and operates with a simple and effective lending policy for this novel type of mobile library: you can read as long as you ride.

books on the subway

The Chicago Transit Authority trains will be populating cars with volumes from hundreds of genres, and could potentially give access to thousands more if they implemented QR codes for ebook reading devices.

mobile reading chicago

The same idea has informally manifested itself in other cities as well, part of a larger Books on the Subway (or Underground) movement that ranges from ‘find a book, leave a book’ ideals to more organized endeavors in places including London, Washington D.C. and New York City. But readers beware: become too engrossed in your borrowed page-turner and you may miss your stop.

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Home-Free Living: German Woman Trades in Rent for Train Ticket

07 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]

train traveler

Reasoning that a full-time train pass costs less than an apartment, a 23-year-old German writer and student has exchanged her life in a fixed location for one in perpetual motion. At the equivalent of $ 380 a month, she can catch a ride anytime day or night, and much more comfortably than other contemporary high-tech hobos.

life on train

Everything Leonie Müller needs travels with her in a single backpack, making it easy to switch rides or catch the overnight rail, washing up in the onboard restrooms. In a strange reversal of convention, it is cheaper for her to use her pass and sleep aboard than to stay in one place.

train travel exclusively

Europe’s extensive train network, most impressive (and consistently on time) in Germany, provides various speeds of travel and connections to just about any town or city, enabling Leonie to visit friends or crash with family without much effort or planning.

train station

train car living

The move (or: moving) be permanent, but for now the costs and lifestyle make sense to her and provides material for her thesis project on nomadic living. She writes papers for school and posts for her blog while riding, and recommends noise-cancelling headphones for those who would follow her footsteps (or rail tracks, as it were).

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No Exit: Bricked Train Door Blocks German Subway Commuters

01 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

brick blocked train car

Presumed a prank at first by online skeptics, authorities have since confirmed that these precisely-stacked cinder blocks were indeed carefully assembled and bonded together to fully block the door of an S-Bahn train in Hamburg.

brick blocked train line

Placed inside the actual sliding doors, the bricks proved a surprise when the aperture slide open to reveal the blockage. Passengers who managed to board before the intervention was reported were forced to exit at an upcoming station while an investigation was performed and the problem ultimately fixed.

bricked train interior view

While some may be amused and no one was trapped inside the car, blocked by blocks, the impacts were significant for those faced with cleaning up after this vandalism. The train was routed to a depot and the wall carefully broken down piece by piece, the story ending 12 hours and an estimated 10,000 dollars later.

bricked subway car line

With no sign of the perpetrators, the biggest clue is the professionalism with which the wall was assembled, apparently by a team of people with construction expertise. With no one claiming credit, overtly or anonymously, one is left to wonder whether some reference to the Berlin Wall was intended or if this was an attempt at some other kind of art or message.

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View Forward: Driverless London Train Cars Arriving in 2020

13 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

new tube train car

Called the New Tube, the next phase in London’s Underground system will feature partially and entirely automated cars, including ones that let passengers sit up front in the space heretofore reserved for drivers.

new tube front face

new tube train design

This forward-looking plan calls for 250 driverless trains for the Piccadilly, Central, Bakerloo and Waterloo & City lines, rolling out in the year 2020 and beyond, each with larger doors for faster entry and exit capabilities.

new tube london design

new tube continuous interior

These new models will not be segmented in traditional cars but instead be continuous and segmented (able to be walked from front to back) and feature built-in wifi as well as passive air conditioning. The newly-freed front ends of these will feature emergency egress doors as well.

new tube driverless trains

new tube side doors

An LED lighting system will glow to show the speed and direction of travel and light up to let passengers know when doors are opening or closing as well. Digital displays will replace paper advertisements inside the cabins, too.

new tube sleek sides

new tube day view

These sleek new machines are being made to operate 24 hours a day with a projected lifespan of 30 to 40 years so their technologies must, as much as it is possible, take into account existing issues as well as population growth and other future-proofing concerns.

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The Ferrari of Rail: Ultra-Luxurious Train Design for Japan

11 Jul

[ By Steph in Conceptual & Futuristic & Technology. ]

Luxury Ferrari Train 1

Japan is set to get a new luxury sleeper train with spacious modern cabins designed by Ken Okuyama, who’s best known for his work with Ferrari. The $ 50 million Cruise Train will run on both electric and non-electric rails and feature large glass-paneled windows, high ceilings and leather seating. Envisioned as the future of train travel in Japan, this designer creation won’t be for everyone: it’s got a max capacity of just 34 passengers.

Luxury Ferrari Train 2

Luxury Ferrari Train 3

Expected to lance in the spring of 2017, Cruise Train is essentially an upgrade of the ‘Seven Stars in Kyushu,’ a deluxe sleeping car excursion train that’s been in operation since late 2013. The new design appears to be far more open, stylized and modern than that of the Kyushu train, with Okuyama clearly taking a lot of inspiration from luxury personal vehicles.

Luxury Ferrari Train 4 Luxury Ferrari Train 5

The ten carriages of the Cruise Train will include two observation areas with glass walls so passengers can take in the views as the train passes through the countryside. A two-story deluxe suite car with two beds on the lower floor, a private bathroom and a lounge room upstairs will be available as well. There’s no word yet on just how much it’ll cost to experience the Ferrari of trains, but it’s safe to say that it won’t be a bargain.

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High-Speed Art: Murals Spray-Painted for Train Passengers

23 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

mural art purple field

Made to been seen at high speeds, these colorful patterns intentionally form a sequential whole when experienced by commuters in adjacent railway cars.

mural art train view

mural art with train

Katharina Grosse (with photos by Steve Weinik for the City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program) conceived of this seven-section series, dubbed Psycholustro, as a way to engage everyday travelers with a project that addresses their in-motion perspective and the passage of time.

mural up tunnel view

mural green painted section

Grosse, a German artist based out of Berlin, targeted different sites with different bright colors, in some cases covering up existing graffiti on buildings or walls (with the expectation of re-tagging by other artists).

mural green white detai

mural striped closeup shot

Lime green lights up an abandoned warehouse while bright orange highlights multiple structures and exposed rocks.

mural art purple orcks

mural art purple ties

In a potentially controversial move, however, a purple area covers not only piles of rocks but also sections of nature, including grasses, shrubs and trees.

mural art scene

mural art spray paint

Grosse describes her project as something that “shifts your notion of size through movement” seeming huge from up close but to scale when you pass it by from your seat on a train.

mural art wall close up

mural art fast speed

mural art orange building

Stephen Gardner, an Amtrak vice president, explains the project’s impetus: “There are some things that we can do better than other competing modes of transport, and that is to provide the traveler with a deeper engagement with the diverse landscape. One of our taglines is, “Enjoy the Journey.’”

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