Posts Tagged ‘Spots’

My Space: 15 Creatively Painted High School Parking Spots

29 Aug

[ By Steve in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]


So custom-painted assigned high school senior parking spots are a thing now, and it appears students are expressing a LOT (ahem) of creativity.



The concept looks to be a win-win for both schools and students: the former collect fees for each space and nip parking spot rage in the bud; the latter get to be creative and take pride in their work. Take Martha Caldera’s take on Drake’s “If Youre Reading This Its Too Late” mixtape, which garnered her (and others as well) a measure of Twitter fame and thousands of shares.

States Caldera, “The only thing that’s going to motivate me to wake up for school tomorrow is pulling up in my parking spot.” One wonders if Drake – who played high school student Jimmy Brooks in Degrassi: The Next Generation – would approve.



Topics and themes for the parking spaces are pretty much left up to the individual students. Many choose to express their currents interests as illustrated by Reddit-user mrpopper96 above. Trends are fleeting, of course, but no worries since next year’s senior class simply paints over the work of their predecessors.

School Of Fish



This parking space may be slippery even when it’s NOT wet. We’re not sure what kind of car this student drives but please, please, please let it be the one in the second image.

Tread On Me


Jeep Patriot parking only? We’ve come a long way since Peter Fonda’s character was hassled for his Stars & Stripes motorcycle gas tank. We’d hassle the dude above over his spelling but hey, that’s the school’s job.

Reece Witherspot



When the Good Lord gives you lemons, make lemonade. When your parents name you “Reece“, well, see above. By the way, is that a space painted like a Rebel Flag just intruding into the top of the second photo? Who knows, Reece might go to Robert E. Lee High School.

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My Space 15 Creatively Painted High School Parking Spots

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Coolest Pools: 15 Enviable Modern Swimming Spots

25 May

[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

modern pool jellyfish 1

Daydream about escaping into an aquatic paradise of your very own in the form of a modern swimming pool that puts swimmers on display with a glass floor, appears in your ballroom at the push of a button or seems to blend right into a tropical sea on the horizon. These drool-worthy swim spots include a private living room pool in a five-story New York City townhouse, an interior courtyard pool accessible by a glass hatch in the floor, and a shady oasis in a Grecian cave.

Cantilevered Rooftop Pool with a Glass Floor

modern pool jellyfish 2

modern pool jellyfish 3

Not only does this swimming pool cantilever off the roof of a modern concrete home in coastal Spain “so the beach and sea can always be seen while sunbathing or swimming,” it’s got a glass floor so swimmers can be seen from the terrace below. Jellyfish House by Wiel Arets Architects features a staircase that goes straight from the yard to the rooftop for a beach-to-pool experience, and the pool can be seen from nearly all areas of the house.

Secret Under-Floor Pools
modern pool hidden floor 2

Even the ultra-rich have space concerns sometimes, or maybe they just really like cool things that appear and disappear at the touch of a button, like the rest of us. Either way, ‘Hydro Floors’ enable them to basically conjure a swimming pool out of nowhere on command with mobile flooring that can be stopped at various intervals to create pools of different depths. Push the button again to watch the water seep out of the way so the floor space can be used for dining, dancing or whatever else it is that people with too much money do with that kind of space.

Glass-Walled Above-Ground Modern Pool

modern pool glass walled wooden deck

modern pool glass wall wooden deck 2

modern pool wooden deck 3

The lush lawn of this house by Andres Remy Architects in Devoto, Argentina gently rises to meet the edge of a wooden deck surrounding an unusual above-ground pool. The pool features one glass side for a fishbowl-like view from the outside and an infinity effect from the swimmer’s perspective.

Slice House by Procter-Rihl

modern pool slice house 2

k 034

k 034

The Slice House in Porto-Alegre, Brazil by Procter-Rihl Architects features a complex prismatic geometric layout that generates “a series of spatial illusions in the interior spaces,” including a view right into the rooftop swimming pool from the dining room.

Indoor/Outdoor Living Room Pool

modern pools indoor outdoor

modern pools retractible 2

A glass hatch in the concrete floor of an urban townhouse can simply be lifted out of the way to provide access to a swimming pool, right under a retractible glass roof, creating a private and protected indoor/outdoor space on demand.

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Coolest Pools 15 Enviable Modern Swimming Spots

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Occupy Parking Spots: 15 Projects Reclaiming the Streets

18 Sep

[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

Parking Spot Hacks Bikes 3
In the asphalt-covered space that would normally be occupied by a single vehicle could be a bike rack, a dance floor, an outdoor cafe, a kiddie pool or a beautifully landscaped public park. Sometimes guerrilla and sometimes officially city-sanctioned, these 15 projects occupy urban parking spots for uses that are undoubtedly a lot more fun.

Bike Parking = Superior Efficiency

Parking Spot Hacks Bike 2

Ten bicycles can easily fit within a single parking spot, and many cities have started to take advantage of this fact with specially-sized bike racks. Buenos Aires installed a few car-shaped racks in parking spots throughout the city, an idea that caught the attention of Washington DC’s transit authority, and San Francisco’s 40th street parklet (seen top) was created by adjacent business Manifesto & Subrosa. They’re also occasionally unsanctioned, with citizens taking it upon themselves to occupy a spot with bikes for a day.

Car-Shaped Tents for Urban Camping
Parking Spot Hacks Car Shaped Tent

Designer Michael Rakowitz created a car-shaped tent made just for parking spaces, making it possible to camp in urban locations while (kind of) blending in. A similar tent used a car-shaped frame and a standard car cover for an even more convincing effect, offering affordable housing virtually anywhere in the city.

Sao Paulo’s Permanent Parklets
Parking Spot Hacks Sao Paulo 2

Parking Spot Hacks Sao Paulo 1

The city of Sao Paulo, Brazil has some of the world’s prettiest and most colorful parklets, which are parking spots transformed into mini public parks. While many parklets are temporary, this one is permanent, with the spot fully paved and heavy-duty urban furniture in a bright shade of red.

Noriega Street Parklet, San Francisco
Parking Spot Hacks Noriega 2

Parking Spot Hacks Noriega 1

Diagonal wooden benches with built-in greenery take up three parking spots in San Francisco in this design by Matarozzi Pelsinger Design + Build. The seating was designed around the awkward shape of the available space, and the rule that it had to be at least three feet away from adjacent parking spots. Says the firm, “The acute corners are embraced as areas for planting and “chaise lounge” seating, where tight plan geometry becomes an excuse to put your feet up.”

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Occupy Parking Spots 15 Projects Reclaiming The Streets

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Nikon announces service advisory for D810 ‘bright spots’

19 Aug

Nikon has announced a service advisory for the Nikon D810, in response to reports of ‘bright spots’ in images taken at long shutter speeds and in 1.2X crop mode. According to an announcement on Nikon’s website, affected cameras will be serviced free of charge. Apparently, the issue only effects cameras within a certain serial number range, and if you’re lucky enough to have got hold of a D810 already, you can check the serial number of your camera against Nikon’s database via the company’s service and support pages. Click through for a link. 

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Nikon to offer D600 replacements if ‘spots’ continue

28 Mar


Nikon has announced on its website today that it will replace defective D600 cameras with a new D600 or equivalent model. This follows up earlier news of the Chinese government ordering Nikon to stop selling D600 cameras and Nikon’s previous service announcement to offer D600 users free inspection, cleaning and replacement of the shutter assembly, even if the warranty has expired. Learn more

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Top Photo Spots – a New Way to Find Locations for Photography

20 Mar

Top Photo Spots is a hugely ambitious project headed up by James Brandon (a regular  dPS writer) that aims to take the guesswork out of travel photography. James has asked me to introduce TPS here on Digital Photography School in hopes of bringing attention to the project and helping bring his vision to life. It’s a great idea and one, that if it can be accomplished, could become a go-to resource for photographers looking to find locations for photography around the world – however it’s a long way from that point right now.

So what is Top Photo Spots?


The best way to introduce TPS is to take a quote from the man who created it – from James himself.

You can Google something like “best places to photograph in Big Sur” and while you might get some helpful information, it will mostly be from random one-off websites and it won’t always be geared towards photographers.

In essence TPS aims to solve the problem of searching the web, which is filled with tourists photos of various locations, inaccurate or confusing information on where and how the photographs were taken, and replace that with something that’s geared specifically towards photographers.

The concept, layout and design are there

Overall TPS has a unique concept that will fill a huge need in this industry, the layout and design are modern, easy to navigate and complement the concept well, but – oh yes there’s a but – the big hurdle that TPS needs to conquer is content (which I’ll touch on in a bit). So, let’s focus on the good first.

As I said, the design is great and well thought out. Each location that’s been added to TPS has a sample photograph, Google map with location pins for points of interest, and a description of what to expect.


After the brief introduction to the overarching location, in this case Santa Cruz, California, there are sub-posts that describe various photographic opportunities within the location in more detail.


Moving into one of these sub-locations will provide you with a sample photograph from that specific location as well as another Google map giving you exact coordinates to get you there and of course more information on the location itself. It’s a really well thought out concept and I can see these guides being very helpful to people visiting locations and looking for not only ideas of things to photograph, but exactly how and where to take photographs.

Now – about the content problem

Currently James has TPS listed in a beta status while he builds content and brings in contributors. As I’ve said from the start of this article – this is an ambitious project – it’s going to take a lot of time and effort to get it to the point where it needs to be in order to truly be meaningful to the majority of people searching for locations to photograph.

Currently there are only a few dozen locations, most of which are within the United States, so the location you are traveling to probably isn’t yet listed – which means there’s a lot of room to grow. But this is where you can help!

TPS is openly looking for contributors to help fill out the site with locations around the world. If you’ve got an interesting location and know a bit about writing for the web I’d suggest that you check out the write for TPS page and help James get the site rolling – it could be the next big thing in travel photography.

Final Thoughts and Suggestions

Top Photo Spots is a great concept that is too ambitious for the vast majority of people to even attempt – which is why it’s such a good idea. If James can succeed in his vision I think that TPS will become an extremely valuable resource for photographers looking for spots to photograph on their next trip.

That said, I do have a few suggestions for James, and I’m sure he’ll entertain more in the comments – here are the three big things that I’d like to see integrated into the site at some point in the future.

  • A visually appealing way to browse through all the currently available locations – sometimes people don’t know where they want to travel, but rather are looking for something to inspire them.
  • The ability to print and download guides, or save them to a mobile device. Ideally I’d want to have quick and easy access to the guide when I’m on location without having to refer back to TPS – especially if the location is in a remote location where access to the internet might be limited.
  • Integrate TPS with other photographers around the world who are willing to set up photo walks and guides of locations that are featured on TPS. This could take some time – but I think that a site like TPS is set up perfectly for this and would be a huge benefit to people traveling to the new locations. Not only that, but it would set it even further apart from the ‘Google search’ method that we are currently using to find places to photograph.

So go have a look at Top Photo Spots and check out what James has put together so far. Then come back here and tell us what you would add to the TPS wish-list above.

For more on travel photography:

  • Tips for Photographing Popular Tourist Destinations
  • 10 Ways to Improve your Vacation Photos
  • 6 Tips for Photographing People When Travelling

The post Top Photo Spots – a New Way to Find Locations for Photography by John Davenport appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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Removing Black Spots From Face : Photoshop Beauty Tutorial Part 1

23 Oct

***** Adobe Photoshop Beauty Tutorial Series ****** ****************** Part 1 Removing Black Spots From Face ******************* Part 2 Enhancing a Smile and Face Modification *********************** Part 3 Coloring a Black & White Photo ***************************** Background music “I Dunno” by Grapes Licensed under Creative Commons
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In this tutorial AJ shows you how to change the background color using a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer. Share this video, Tweet to your friends: Join My Facebook Community: Find me on Twitter: The NAPP Wants YOU! Use Promo Code “ajwood” for $ Discount & Free DVD Get the iPhone app: Adobe Training by

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Tiger Stripes to Cow Spots: 13 Playful Home Paint Jobs

25 Aug

What would your homeowners association say if you were to step way, way outside the bounds of normal home exteriors and do something way creative with your home’s appearance? These people did just that, and their homes have some of the wildest, weirdest paint jobs in the world.

(image via: artofthestate)

Stanley Donwood, the artist behind some of the most iconic artwork associated with the band Radiohead, has a signature style that is replicated on the side of this home in Ladbroke Grove in England.

(image via: FunkyDowntown)

Fans of the uber-cute Sanrio creation Hello Kitty know that the whiskered one can be found on literally every kind of merchandise. This incredible “castle” in Shanghai, China not only features the famous feline and an appropriately pink color scheme on the exterior; the interior is chock full of Hello Kitty accessories and furniture.

(image via: nodigio)

This polka dotted home would be perfect for a resident with a bubbly personality. Its fun multi-colored pattern no doubt draws plenty of stares and smiles as people pass by.

(image via: The Telegraph)

In Usk, South Wales, a homeowner who was extremely fond of the movie 101 Dalmatians decided to create an unusual tribute to the black and white dogs by painting this house white with black spots. They look more like cow spots to us, but we aren’t picky – it’s still an excellently playful paint scheme.

(image via: Apartment Therapy)

Believe it or not, there is a house hiding in this photo. The Austin, Texas home was painted in the style of the US Army’s Universal Camouflage Pattern, resulting in a home that actually manages to stand out from its surroundings despite its best attempts to blend in.

(images via: LA Weekly and Daily Mail)

Fans of fashion will immediately recognize these high-profile patterns. The first, a bungalow in Mexico, was painted to look like the logo of the famed French fashion house Louis Vuitton – and then appropriately hidden behind a tall security fence. The second is the home of artist Jans Werner, painted to look like the signature tartan pattern of UK fashion brand Burberry.

(image via: The Telegraph)

People who paint their own homes in crazy colors or patterns are one thing…but this tiger-striped home was painted by the owners’ friends while the owners were away on their honeymoon. Would you be able to forgive your friends for a “gift” like this?

(image via: Cat Rocketship)

Zebras have stripes in order to blend in with one another and deter predators from attacking what looks like one gigantic animal, but the same concept doesn’t quite work with this solitary house in Basset, Nebraska.

(image via: ChicagoGeek)

The zebra house might want to steer clear of Chicago, which is where this leopard-spotted house spends its days, lounging in the sun and waiting for an unsuspecting antelope house to wander by.

(image via: The Telegraph)

This house in Penrith, Cumbria, England is surrounded by otherwise normal-looking row houses. Its bizarre pink background filled with smiling yellow happy faces sure is weird, but it probably causes a lot of smiles, so it’s hard to find fault with it – unless you live next door, of course.

(image via: Dystopos)

This building in Birmingham, Alabama is technically a garage, not a house, but its beautiful rainbow exterior is so cheery that it warrants inclusion.

(image via: m.a.r.c.)

Looking like a gigantic lava lamp, this townhouse in Basel, Switzerland calls to mind the psychedelic 60s – or maybe the carefree days of blowing bubbles in the backyard and watching them float toward the clouds.

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Photoshop Elements Tutorials- Hot Spots

10 Oct Here’s a technique that works really well on over-exposed photos which are common when taken outdoors on a sunny day. It helps to tone down the hot spots.
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Photoshop CS3 Beginners Tutorial – Smoothing Skin (Removing Spots) Part 1

21 Sep

Any Questions? Don’t Hesitate To Ask [; Video Was Edited With Sony Vegad Pro 8 And Recorded With Camtasia Comment, Rate + Subscribe : )
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