According to a report by analyst firm The NPD Group, U.S. dollar sales of drones more than doubled in the 12 months ending February 2017. Premium drones, which are defined as drones that cost $ 300 or more, drove a large portion of the growth for most of the year but during the holiday season drones with a price tag between $ 50- $ 100 saw a significant increase in sales as well. 

“While 2017 will see mid-tier and entry level drones (priced under $ 300) continue to drive unit demand, new form factors and innovations in sensing and imaging technology will help meet the needs of premium drone buyers,” noted Ben Arnold, executive director, industry analyst for The NPD Group.

When comparing items sold in the $ 300-$ 500 price range, researchers also identified a clear consumer demand for premium features, such as auto pilot capabilities or follow mode functionality. Models offering those features sold considerably quicker than simpler variants.

Drones have clearly left the novelty item stage behind and become a mainstream consumer products. Let’s hope this transition will manifest itself with new and more powerful features, and even more affordable price points in the nearer future.