Posts Tagged ‘Navigator’

Library of Congress launches AI-powered, image-based Newspaper Navigator tool

26 Sep

The Library of Congress has launched a new AI-powered image-based tool for searching through old newspapers, enabling anyone to find historic images from more than 16 million scanned newspaper pages. Newspaper Navigator builds upon the LOC’s existing Chronicling America project, the result being a visual content recognition model capable of finding a variety of images in digitized newspapers, including maps, comics, photographs, illustrations, advertisements and more.

The Chronicling America project is the LOC’s historic newspaper archive. With this tool, anyone can use optical recognition technology (OCR) to search through a vast archive of digitized newspapers dating back to the late 1700s. Newspaper Navigator builds upon this, introducing the ability to search for images rather than text. The object detection model was trained using annotated newspaper pages from the Chronicling America project, enabling it to extract the visual content from 16,358,041 newspaper pages.

The new tool was created by LOC 2020 Innovator in Residence Benjamin Charles Germain Lee who detailed the project in a new video. In addition to offering a search tool online, the LOC has released the extracted visual content as prepackaged datasets available to download from Github. This prepackaged content is split up by year and includes a variety of metadata alongside the images.

Users can search through more than 1.6 million images sourced from newspapers dated from the year 1900 to 1963. The results are fairly accurate, though the use of optical character recognition for extracting descriptions of the content can be lackluster if the quality of the scanned newspaper text is poor.

The interface includes some useful options, including links for downloading the images, viewing the full newspaper issues, learning more about the newspapers and getting citations for images. This assumes one is using the online search tool and not the prepackaged downloadable image datasets available on Github, of course.

Newspaper Navigator is ultimately the largest single dataset of extracted visual content sourced from historic newspapers that has ever been assembled, according to the full study. Machine learning technology has produced an unprecedented way to rapidly sort through digitized materials that would otherwise be far too expansive to search manually.

As for using the images found through Newspaper Navigator, the rights and reproduction terms are found under the wider Chronicling America project. According to the project’s About page, the LOC:

…believes that the newspapers in Chronicling America are in the public domain or have no known copyright restrictions. Newspapers published in the United States more than 95 years ago are in the public domain in their entirety. Any newspapers in Chronicling America that were published less than 95 years ago are also believed to be in the public domain, but may contain some copyrighted third party materials. Researchers using newspapers published less than 95 years ago should be alert for modern content (for example, registered and renewed for copyright and published with notice) that may be copyrighted.

This new tool joins the LOC’s vast digitized archive of photographs, prints and drawings, all of which are readily accessible through the LOC website. The Library provides a considerable amount of information on most of the digitized images, including everything from photo medium and genre to dates, photographers, location and image descriptions.

Via: PetaPixel

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8 October, 2014 – The Think Tank Navigator and More

09 Oct

Many of us do a lot of traveling to capture the special images that we enjoy so much.  Getting to these special locations is a challenge these days. We face weight and size limitations of the airlines not to mention our own as we do everything we can do to reduce size and weight of our kits.  Over the years I have collected way too many bags trying to accomplish the ultimate carry solution for my gear.  Today I share one of the newest and best bags I have owned as well as some other tips on how I travel with my gear.  Check out The Think Tank Navigator article as well as a short video and hopefully you’ll find some good information that will help you in your travels. 

I thought I’d share a website I have just bookmarked that you may find handy too. Glossary Of Photographic Terms .

The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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20 Oct

Max Turners »NAVIGATOR« Music video by Jens Oliver Robbers, 2008 see a better version here:

3D Video Clip – Jumps out of screen – 3D Spinning Dice red blue (cyan) glasses anaglyph version. This video clip shows a Three-D spinning casino dice created byEnhanced Dimensions for The Stereoscopic 3D Video Channel. The After Effects 3d object file of the 3d spinning dice cube is given away free on the Enhanced Dimensions website. The Stereoscopic 3D Video Channel is an online 3D TV channel dedicated to showing the best in creative stereoscopic 3D videos and 3d animations. Enhanced Dimensions is proud to present some of the best stereoscopic 3d videos on YouTube and Vimeo. HOW TO MAKE AMAZING 3D VIDEOS FOR YOUTUBE If you are interested in learning how to create Stereo 3-d video clips that jump out of the screen, or how to convert 2d to 3d movies using Adobe After Effects please visit for comprehensive tutorials. FREE 3D GOODIES Get FREE 3d glasses, 3D Birthday Cards, 3D Videos, 3d desktops and other 3D goodies now from FREE 3D VIDEO DOWNLOADS Stereoscopic 3D Videos from Enhanced DImensions are available to download in TriDef Above Below format, GeForce 3D Visions Side by Side and Anaglyph formats from For more info on Enhanced Dimensions: Contact us on +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Stereoscopic 3D Video Channel on YouTube The Stereoscopic 3D Channel on Vimeo The Stereoscopic 3D
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Microsoft Outlook 2010 – Enlarge or Change the Calendar Date Navigator Font

10 Sep

Make the Date Navigator easier to read in Outlook 2010, or customize the font.

If you find the small font of the Date Navigator in Microsoft Outlook 2010 difficult to view, or you find it hard to click on the small day numbers, you may wish to enlarge the font.

Especially if you have a larger monitor and resize the Navigation pane, you can increase the font size by a few points. Or, for the sake of customization you may also wish to change the font entirely from its default….

Read more at MalekTips.
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