8 October, 2014 – The Think Tank Navigator and More

09 Oct

Many of us do a lot of traveling to capture the special images that we enjoy so much.  Getting to these special locations is a challenge these days. We face weight and size limitations of the airlines not to mention our own as we do everything we can do to reduce size and weight of our kits.  Over the years I have collected way too many bags trying to accomplish the ultimate carry solution for my gear.  Today I share one of the newest and best bags I have owned as well as some other tips on how I travel with my gear.  Check out The Think Tank Navigator article as well as a short video and hopefully you’ll find some good information that will help you in your travels. 

I thought I’d share a website I have just bookmarked that you may find handy too. Glossary Of Photographic Terms .

The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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