Posts Tagged ‘Mentoring’

The Winner of $1000 in Lenses and Personal Mentoring is…

25 Feb

Over the last few weeks we’ve run a competition to give away $ 1000 worth of lenses and personal mentoring with Gina Milicia – author of our Portraits: Making the Shot eBook.

Over the weekend this competition ended and we’ve now drawn and notified the winner!

The winner is….

Lizabeth Simonton.

Congratulations to Lizabeth – we’ve just sent you an email with details of how to get your prize! Thanks to everyone else who picked up a copy of our Portraits eBook. We trust you’re enjoying it and seeing an improvement in your Portraits.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

The Winner of $ 1000 in Lenses and Personal Mentoring is…

Digital Photography School

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Grab Our New eBook and Win a New Lens and a Personal Portraiture Mentoring Package!

06 Feb

It has been two weeks since we announced our brand new eBook – Portraits: Making the Shot by Gina Milicia.

The feedback from readers has been wonderful and many have snapped up our launch offer that gets you a second ‘portrait recipes’ eBook by Gina for free when you buy the first.

Today I’m excited to announce a further bonus for anyone (anywhere in the world) who buys this eBook in the next 2 weeks (and anyone who has already picked it up).

One person who grabs Gina’s eBook is going to win $ 1000 towards a new lens/lenses and some personal mentoring by Gina herself.

Here’s the Deal in a Nutshell:

Buy Portraits: Making the Shot in the next two weeks and on top of this great new eBook you’ll get:

  • The bonus eBook ‘14 Recipes for Amazing Portraits‘ worth $ 10 for free
  • $ 1000 USD to go towards any lens (or combination of lenses) you choose
  • 3 hours worth of mentoring and a folio review from Gina via Skype (details below) – worth $ 600

The Mentoring sessions with Gina includes:

GinaMilica12-1WEB.jpgThis is your opportunity for some one on one time with the author of our eBook to work on your portrait photography!

Gina Milicia has photographed some of the world’s most powerful and famous people including royalty and heads of state, billionaires and a-list celebrities and been on location in some of the world’s most exotic places.

Your mentoring with Gina will include:

  • initial 1.5 hours skype introduction and coaching
  • folio review (you send in your images and Gina will review them, then give you personalised exercises to help you improve your portrait photography
  • followed up with a 1.5 hour further mentoring and coaching

The $ 1000 towards a new lens/lenses:

You choose any lens or lenses to the value of $ 1000 at a local (to you) online camera outlet and we’ll foot the bill.

You can put it all towards a high end lens (like a Canon 24-105mm L series lens) or perhaps may choose 2 or 3 cheaper lenses. We’re also willing for you to go for a more expensive lens if you’d like to pay for whatever it costs above $ 1000.

This competition is open to everyone who purchases this eBook during its launch and includes our international readers too!

And yes – if you’ve already got the eBook you’re already in the draw with nothing more to do!

Grab Your Copy Today

Ready to see a marked improvement in your portrait photography and pick up these great bonuses?

Learn more about the eBook here or grab a copy directly by clicking the ‘download it now’ button below.

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Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

Grab Our New eBook and Win a New Lens and a Personal Portraiture Mentoring Package!

Digital Photography School

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