The Winner of $1000 in Lenses and Personal Mentoring is…

25 Feb

Over the last few weeks we’ve run a competition to give away $ 1000 worth of lenses and personal mentoring with Gina Milicia – author of our Portraits: Making the Shot eBook.

Over the weekend this competition ended and we’ve now drawn and notified the winner!

The winner is….

Lizabeth Simonton.

Congratulations to Lizabeth – we’ve just sent you an email with details of how to get your prize! Thanks to everyone else who picked up a copy of our Portraits eBook. We trust you’re enjoying it and seeing an improvement in your Portraits.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

The Winner of $ 1000 in Lenses and Personal Mentoring is…

Digital Photography School

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