Posts Tagged ‘Masking’

Introduction to Masking in Sagelight Image Editor

05 Dec

This tutorial describes the basic concepts of image masking and shows some examples of how to use masking to change your image in subtle and very distinctive ways. Masking is a powerful tool, and Sagelight has many extensive masking functions, ranging from easy masking tools to more advanced masking effects, including mask feather controls, draw mask, and separate channel selection. This video just discusses the basic masking concepts, so you don’t need to know anything about Sagelight (or even use Sagelight) to learn how masking works in general.

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Posted in Retouching in Photoshop


Skin Selection and Masking: Photoshop

04 May

Get a high quality skin selection when you need to make glamour glows, smooth skin or healing actions. Detailed and covers the tricky stuff like dealing with hair and eyebrows.
Video Rating: 4 / 5