Posts Tagged ‘Mann’

Lessons from the Masters: Sally Mann

19 Nov

The post Lessons from the Masters: Sally Mann appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Adam Welch.


Photography can be mischaracterized as a “safe” medium. More often than not, photographs are geared towards improving the way we view the world and ourselves. Generally speaking, photography appeals to the lighter side of our senses. Whether it’s the calm aesthetics of a serene landscape or a hauntingly sublime portrait of an elegant model, when we think of photography, we immediately think about all the ways it can make the world seem more beautiful and more safe.

Lessons from the Masters: Sally Mann

But the world isn’t always beautiful. The world isn’t always the safe and secure menagerie of perfection we often see displayed in the photographs on social media and other corners of the internet. For all its effectual nature, photography, which displays only the conventionally pristine faces of our world, is at best, a blissful half-truth and at worse, blatant hypocrisy. We are surrounded by uncomfortable realities that are easier ignored than embraced or even acknowledged.

This leads me to the work and life of a photographer who is surrounded by as much controversy as she is by her works enigmatic magnetism. In this edition of “Lessons from the Masters,” we take a close look at the photography of Sally Mann. We see why and how she has become such an oddly iconic herald of the merits of unconventional photographic content.

Mann’s photographs epitomize the harsh internal conflicts we all face in our work and our lives as we walk the fine line between tactful self-expression and creative freedom. We’re going to find out what lessons we can learn and apply (or avoid) to grow as photographers.

Who is Sally Mann?


Photo: Michelle Hood [CC BY-SA 3.0]

In 1951, the girl who becomes Sally Mann was born in the small southern town of Lexington, Virginia where she still lives today.

Her path to photography was first facilitated through her physician father (also an artist) with whom Sally would have an admittedly complex relationship throughout her life. She holds a BA and an MA in creative writing from Hollins University in Virginia. It is remarkable to note that Sally Mann has never formally trained in the craft of photography.

Although she has produced work across all photographic mediums, she gravitates toward photographing things closest to her home in the southern United States. The large body of her photographs centers around the investigation of death, sensuality, history, childhood, and the visceral (often painful) realities of life.

Many of her most known photos are products of antiquated photographic techniques such as wet plate collodion. She captures these using an antique 8×10 view camera with equally-aged lenses. Incidentally, this type of photography plays an enormous role in one of the most important lessons we will learn from Mann.

Sally Mann has published numerous books of her photographs as well as produced multiple major exhibitions and is a Guggenheim fellow. She has been the subject of two documentary films with one nominated for an Academy Award and the other an Emmy.

In 2001, Mann was named “America’s Best Photographer” by Times magazine.

The following two images are from Sally Mann’s A Thousand Crossings exhibition.


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“Deep South, Untitled (Concrete Grave)”, (1998) Gelatin silver print . . . . . . #sallymann #athousandcrossings #gelatinsilverprint #analogphotography #blackandwhite #photography #print #darkroom #highmuseumofart #ngadc #peabodyessexmuseum

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“Untitled (Self-Portrait)”, (2006- 2012) Grid of nine ambrotypes. . . . . . . #sallymann #athousandcrossings #analog #photography #ambrotype #glass #plate #negative #ambrotypephotography #analogphotography #selfportrait #process

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Now, let’s look at some lessons we can learn from Sally Mann.

Photographic opportunities are everywhere

We are fortunate today as photographers in that we can make photographs at literally any time. Through the progression of photographic techniques, our cameras have become smaller, cheaper, and generally more qualitative than ever before.

And yet, we sometimes find ourselves at a loss for what to photograph.

Lessons from the Masters: Sally Mann

I’ll admit, I’m guilty of this mental photo block myself. Sometimes we can convince ourselves that we need to “go somewhere” to make photos. It’s easy to forget that it’s not necessarily the location or the subject matter that makes for a great photo. Instead, it’s how we inject our own creativity into the making of the photo that truly matters.

In the case of Sally Mann, the majority of her work takes place on and around her property, with concentrations on simple subject matter.

The lesson:

The next time you feel like there’s nothing to photograph, remember to look a little deeper at the things surrounding you at any given moment. Light transforms textures and can produce incredibly dynamic compositions from even the most common subjects.

As a measure of solidarity, I made three photos using my cell phone here in the room where I’m currently writing. They are incredibly basic objects: my hand, a spoon, and a book, with the entire process only consuming about ten minutes. I made all of these using available window light and then quickly processed them in Adobe Lightroom Mobile.

Lessons from the Masters: Sally Mann

Lessons from the Masters: Sally Mann

Lessons from the Masters: Sally Mann

Much like Ed Weston and his simplistic photos of common objects, Sally Mann teaches us that it can pay to look deeper at the things we encounter every day.

Embrace the flaws

Nothing is or ever will be perfect, especially our photographs. Coming to terms with the truth that perfection is unattainable is a constant difficulty that we all must face as photographers. Sally Mann takes this one step further by actively welcoming flaws and imperfections into her work.

Many of Mann’s most iconic works carry a measure of impurity, which somehow lends itself to completing the total impact of the photo.


From one of my own photo projects. A sheet of 4×5 film shot in the Mojave desert and developed from the back of my car. Complete with dirt, scratches and water spots.

Sally Mann refers to this mercurial facet of her work as the “angel of uncertainty” in reference to the somewhat unpredictable nature of the photographic processes she employs. It’s this complete surrender to the happenstances of the work that gives Sally Mann’s photos their unique qualities.

The lesson:

Try to strike a balance between proficiency and cautioned spontaneity when you make your photographs. Keep in mind that a “perfect” photo doesn’t exist and try not to become so preoccupied with your technique that the creative nature of your work suffers.

Allow yourself to be yourself, and that will shine through in your photos. Welcome all the little intricacies and glitches, which come along with making photographs, and you will likely find more enjoyment from the images you make.

Recognize the power of photography

As much as Sally Mann’s work is revered by some it is reviled by others. Her expressions of death, decay and especially her highly controversial images of her children have made here somewhat of a polarized figure. It speaks to the incredible power held within photographs which can move people in a multitude of directions.


Photo by Adam Welch

The lesson:

Photography is not just a two-dimensional art form. The power of photography can transcend the medium itself with many legendary photos serving as a model for social and environmental change.

To that end, we must always remember that our work can affect our viewers on levels we might not fully comprehend.

It’s true that we can impact the lives of those who see our photos in a positive way. Yet, it is also true that our photos can have the opposite effect and can potentially cause pain. In the case of Sally Mann, the public reception may include entirely different attitudes than was originally intended.

In closing…

No matter if you’re a professional or hobbyist, being a photographer today means constant reminders that our photographs could always be better. If we only had this or that piece of gear, or maybe if we travel to this place or that, our images will somehow finally reach that magical Nirvana we always hoped they could achieve.

And then we have Sally Mann – a photographer that has managed to become arguably one of the most influential photo makers of the last fifty years.

She seems to defy the conventions of today’s photographic climate by shooting close to and in her home using tools and techniques that are more than a century old.

Her work is famous – and at times, infamous.

In fact, many of her more notable works can’t even be shown within this article. Yet, the work of Sally Mann reminds us all that we are making photographs with similar intentions; to express ourselves using whatever means satisfy us most.

Perhaps the greatest lesson we can learn from Sally Mann is that we all share a common complexity best translated through photographs in the absence of words. That somehow we find perfection through imperfection, and that we are all mortal.

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The post Lessons from the Masters: Sally Mann appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Adam Welch.

Digital Photography School

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Der Mann im Kleid: Ein unaufhaltsamer Trend

01 Apr

Viktorianische Paare

Männer sehen in Kleidern einfach wahnsinnig gut aus. Vor allem in figurbetonten Gewändern kommen männliche Hüften besonders gut zur Geltung. Leider hat sich die Mode des kleidtragenden Mannes aus mir unverständlichen Gründen noch nicht so richtig durchgesetzt. Brandheißes Archivmaterial bezeugt:
kwerfeldein – Fotografie Magazin | Fotocommunity

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Der Mann im Kleid: Ein unaufhaltsamer Trend

01 Apr

Viktorianische Paare

Männer sehen in Kleidern einfach wahnsinnig gut aus. Vor allem in figurbetonten Gewändern kommen männliche Hüften besonders gut zur Geltung. Leider hat sich die Mode des kleidtragenden Mannes aus mir unverständlichen Gründen noch nicht so richtig durchgesetzt. Brandheißes Archivmaterial bezeugt:
kwerfeldein – Fotografie Magazin | Fotocommunity

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Blickfang: Mann mit Hut

15 Mar

Heute mache ich alles anders. Dieser Blickfang soll nicht den Fotografen und dessen Werdegang beleuchten und dann erst auf das Bild eingehen. Ganz im Gegenteil. Ich werde den Ersteller der Aufnahme außen vor lassen. Und mich nicht von technischen Details aufhalten lassen.

Ich werde das Bild dekonstruieren und ganz genau betrachten, was ich sehe: Eine Person. Beim Blättern durch den Band fallen mir zwei Portraits auf. Eines zeigt einen in sich hinein lächelnden Mann mit gegeltem Haar. Das andere Bild präsentiert einen Herrn mit Hut, der direkt in die Kamera sieht.

Ich wähle das zweite von beiden aus und stelle fest, wie wichtig der Blick in die Kamera bei einem Portrait doch sein kann.

Portrait © Sarah Stolfa

Nun beuge ich mich über den Fotoband, betrachte in aller Ruhe das Foto. Sekunden vergehen, ohne dass ich es merke. Doch eines merke ich sofort: Ich kann mich nur schwer vom festen Blick des Mannes lösen. Immer wieder kehre ich zu seinen Augen zurück und überlege.

Wer bist Du? ??Ich suche Details. Finde Behaarung auf seiner Hand, eine silberne Armbanduhr und das Glas, gefüllt mit Bier, im Vordergrund. Dann fällt mir der Ring auf. Ich überlege, ob er verheiratet ist und schweife ab.

Wohin? In die Ungewissheit, keinen Anhaltspunkt zum Aufnahmedatum zu haben. ??Das Bild ist scheinbar zeitlos. Und das ist wiederum komisch. Faszinierend. Merk-würdig. Doch im Augenwinkel des Buches erahne ich Buchstaben auf der gegenüber liegenden Seite:

David Scott Smith, 2005.

Alles ist verraten.

Wirklich? Alles?

Das Geheimnis bleibt. Die Information ist für mich nur eine Aneinanderreihung von Buchstaben. David könnte auch Michael heißen und statt 2005 könnte 2000, 1990 oder 1980 an dieser Stelle stehen.

Ich beginne, den Mann genauer zu analysieren. Wer bist Du? Du bist kein armer Mensch. Du leistest Dir Zigaretten und das belanglose Herumliegen der Geldscheine verrät, dass Dein Umgang mit ihnen weder zögerlich noch sparsam ist.

Deine silberne Uhr lässt etwas Prestige durchblitzen, der Ring an der linken Hand verrät eine Frau oder einen Mann an Deiner Seite. Sitzt sie oder er etwa direkt neben Dir?

Dein Hut sitzt stilvoll, ist das i-Tüpfelchen Deiner Bekleidung und reiht sich wunderbar in das schwarze Hemd und die ebenso schwarze Jacke ein. Deine Kleidung sieht nicht zufällig oder planlos ausgewählt aus. Die Brille sitzt perfekt und die Brillengläser glänzen.

Ordnung scheint Dir wichtig zu sein. Denn Dein Bart ist fein säuberlich ausrasiert und kein einziges Härchen hast Du übersehen. Du stützt Dein Kinn seitlich ab. Doch es ist kein gelangweiltes Abstützen, Deine Haltung ist direkt, interessiert, aufmerksam.

Nun weiß ich eine Menge über Dich, aber ich kann in vielen Annahmen falsch liegen. Die Frage, wer Du bist, wird mir nur teilweise beantwortet. Doch das ist genug für den Moment. Das Foto stellt Dich vor, ohne dass ich irgendwas sagen muss. Nicht irgendwelche Floskeln dahinsagen, lächeln und mich auf ein Gespräch einstellen muss.

Es ist gut so, wie es ist.

David Scott Smith wurde 2005 im Rahmen des Buches „The Regulars“* von Sarah Stolfa fotografiert.

Informationen zum Buch

„The Regulars“
Taschenbuch: 96 Seiten
Preis: 12,33 €
Verlag: Artisan
Sprache: Englisch
?Größe: 22,9 x 18,5 x 1 cm

* Das ist ein Affiliate-Link zu Amazon. Wenn Ihr darüber etwas bestellt, erhält kwerfeldein eine kleine Provision, Ihr zahlt aber keinen Cent mehr.

kwerfeldein – Fotografie Magazin | Fotocommunity

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