Posts Tagged ‘KitSplit’

Peer-to-peer rental platform KitSplit launches comprehensive owner’s guarantee

26 Aug

Peer-to-peer equipment rental platform KitSplit has expanded its insurance cover for equipment owners. Gear that is rented out via the platform is now also covered for theft by the renter, in addition to previous coverage which included damage, loss and theft from the renter.

‘The trust of our community and the safety of their gear is of utmost importance to us. With the Owner Guarantee, and our improved vetting, we are excited to give our owners even more peace of mind, ” said Lisbeth Kaufman, CEO and co-founder of KitSplit. ‘Trust has been a focus of ours from day one, and we’re excited to build the safest way to rent cameras in the industry.’

Previously theft from the renter, or ‘voluntary parting’ as it is called in the industry, was excluded from coverage which according to KitSplit is industry standard. KitSplit says that in the past voluntary parting on KitSplit has been very rare at about one case in 5000 rental transactions. Still, when it happened the consequences for equipment owners could be very painful.

In addition to the expanded insurance coverage, the company uses a proprietary 40 point risk vetting system to ensure only trustworthy professionals can offer and rent equipment on the platform. You can find more information on the KitSplit website.

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KitSplit gear rental company raises $2.1m in seed funding

03 Mar

Camera gear rental company KitSplit has announced that it raised $ 2.1m in seed funding from investors that include 3311 Ventures, HearstLab, Entrepreneurs Roundtable, NYU Innovation Venture Fund, and others. The funds will, in part, help the company grow its presence in Los Angeles, according to TechCrunch.

KitSplit is an affordable—and increasingly popular—gear rental company that boasts a large customer base including notable companies like National Geographic and NBC. For renters, KitSplit provides access to a large roster of gear, including lights, camera, lenses, and even VR equipment, which are listed for rent by both individuals and businesses.

The company acquired then-competitor CameraLends last year, a business move that made it the largest rental company in the world.

According to company CEO Lisbeth Kaufman, who spoke with TechCrunch, digital media companies have expressed ample interest in KitSplit’s platform. “We’re reimagining the Hollywood production studio as a local marketplace,” said Kaufman. “We want to make resources like gear and staffing and location more accessible to all content creators.”

Though KitSplit offers rentals throughout the entire US, the company is currently focusing on the Los Angeles and New York City markets where it is hiring.

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KitSplit acquires CameraLends, becomes largest peer-to-peer camera rental platform

11 Jan

Peer-to-peer camera equipment rental platform KitSplit has acquired its rival CameraLends to form the world’s largest peer-to-peer gear rental community. The combined entity will be managed under the KitSplit brand from headquarters in New York and CameraLends founder Adam Derewecki will join KitSplit as an advisor. 

“There are more content creators today than ever before and they all need access to top quality, affordable gear. Since launching a little over a year ago, KitSplit has made huge improvements in gear rentals, making creative work and connecting with creators even easier and more affordable. The CameraLends acquisition will further our goals of democratizing access to great gear and empowering creators,” says KitSplit cofounder and CEO Lisbeth Kaufman.

CameraLends user accounts including gear information have already been integrated into the Kitsplit web platform to smooth the transition for existing CameraLends users. In addition to individuals, KitSplit also works with rental houses and production companies to expand its gear pool. More information is available on the KitSplit website.  

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KitSplit Giveaway Winners: It’s You!

17 Sep

Well, technically, we have just one grand prize winner: @camdenwalker won $ 200 in gear rental and gizmos!

But, we looooved seeing all your contest entries, and your big photo plans. You had so many great ideas, that we’ve decided to do what we can to turn all these dreams into reality.

We can’t giveaway everything (our accountants said no. boooo) but we can offer discounts! Use the code FALL for 20% off gear rental at KitSplit, and/or use the code DreamBig for $ 10 off any Photojojo order over $ 25.

Now, to really get your creative juices flowing, click on through for ten of our favorite photography ideas entered into the #KitJojoGiveaway.
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© laurel for Photojojo, 2016. |
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KitSplit: Shoot with Super Fancy Gear for Very Little Moola

12 Sep

We’re ‘bout to get you all geared up for photo-snapping funmazement.

We’ve teamed up with KitSplit for a great giveaway! (We’re kinda mad we can’t win ourselves).

Win $ 100 in Photojojo gizmos and $ 100 in gear rental from KitSplit.

What’s a KitSplit? We’re glad you asked. Read along for complete giveaway rules and a formal introduction to our pals, the KitSplitters.

Read the rest of KitSplit: Shoot with Super Fancy Gear for Very Little Moola (833 words)

© laurel for Photojojo, 2016. |
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KitSplit is a peer-to-peer rental service for camera equipment

15 Jun

KitSplit is a peer-to-peer rental network for camera gear and is best described as the ‘AirBnB’ of the camera world. Photographers who need equipment at a specific location are put in touch with owners who are willing to rent their gear out, while KitSplit takes care of vetting, insurance and the logistics. The company was founded about a year ago in New York by photographers who were unhappy with equipment rental options and by now has approximately 5000 members, both individuals and companies, and $ 40 million worth of equipment available to rent.

The latter includes not only traditional cameras, but also drones and virtual reality gear. KitSplit says its services have been used by companies such as Condé Nast Entertainment, Hearst and NBC. After rapid growth in the New York area, KitSplit has now launched its first geographical expansion, to the Greater DC area, Philadelphia and Boston.

Social sharing has taken off in recent years, especially in the accommodation and car rental sectors, so it only makes sense to apply the same principles to camera and imaging equipment. We’ll be interested how the company develops in the nearer future. More information about how KitSplit works can be found on the website.

Would you use a service like Kitsplit? Let us know in the comments.

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