KitSplit Giveaway Winners: It’s You!

17 Sep

Well, technically, we have just one grand prize winner: @camdenwalker won $ 200 in gear rental and gizmos!

But, we looooved seeing all your contest entries, and your big photo plans. You had so many great ideas, that we’ve decided to do what we can to turn all these dreams into reality.

We can’t giveaway everything (our accountants said no. boooo) but we can offer discounts! Use the code FALL for 20% off gear rental at KitSplit, and/or use the code DreamBig for $ 10 off any Photojojo order over $ 25.

Now, to really get your creative juices flowing, click on through for ten of our favorite photography ideas entered into the #KitJojoGiveaway.
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© laurel for Photojojo, 2016. |
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