Posts Tagged ‘Hanging’

Samsung’s Galaxy S10 #SpaceSelfie satellite left hanging from tree on Michigan farm

31 Oct

Samsung’s campaign to promote its new Galaxy S10 5G smartphone came down to Earth with a crash this week when the high-altitude weather balloon central to the #SpaceSelfie promotion dropped out of the sky and was left dangling from a tree in Michigan.

The company had set up a microsite that allowed fans to post their selfies to a Galaxy S10 5G floating at the edge of the atmosphere. A picture of the phone displaying the selfie, overlaid on a real-time view of the Earth, would then be sent back to the sender for them to post on social media using the #SpaceSelfie hashtag. According to Samsung however, ‘weather conditions’ forced the balloon supporting the camera to drop back to Earth a little earlier than intended, where it ended up caught in a tree on a farm in Gratiot County, Michigan.

The Gratiot Country Herald reports that Nancy Welke heard a crash at around 8:45am, just as she and her husband were about to go outside to check on their horses. Upon going out to investigate they discovered the remains of the solar-powered apparatus in their field, with a parachute tangled in the branches of a tree. The balloon, which when inflated was half the size of a basketball court, was found a little further away caught in overhead power lines.

The Space Selfie campaign was launched on October 23 and was designed to demonstrate that the Galaxy S10 5G is so ruggedness it can be sent into space (almost). The balloon was sent to 65,000 feet above the Earth and actress and model Cara Delevingne was the first to ping a picture and have her face on the screen of the phone in ‘space’.

Of her 44 million Instagram followers 5m watched Delevingne’s teaser video of a spaceman delivering her phone, and at the time of writing 267,698 people had liked the resultant picture. The campaign was supposed to run to the end of this month, but on the loss of the critical device to make it all happen the Samsung/Spaceselfie microsite is now down too.

The #SpaceSelfie still managed to attract well over 6000 images on Instagram, though not all the pictures that appear under the hashtag are strictly related. According to Marketing Dive, the agency that ran the campaign for Samsung, the system used a combination of human and automated moderation to ensure no inappropriate images got through, though inevitably there are some random shots of a cup of coffee in the mix.

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18 Friendly Photos of Buddies Just Hanging Out

28 Jun

What better thing to do that to just hang out with your buddy this summer. Better yet get a photo together!

Here are 18 photos that show what it is all about to be friends.

By Lenneke Veerbeek

By Stew Stryker

By PicselPerfect

By Philip Brookes

By Trent McBride

By Sam Cox

By Leo Hidalgo

By Jay Melnick

By Chris Ford

By Art G.

By bunnysuicides

By Stefan

By Jarle Refsnes

By wolfgangfoto

By Stephanie Wallace

By Holly Occhipinti

By Theophilos Papadopoulos

By Julien Belli

The post 18 Friendly Photos of Buddies Just Hanging Out by Darlene Hildebrandt appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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Modern Babylon: Hanging Plants Serve as Green Walls & Window Shades

19 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]


A single-story house in Vietnam echos an ancient world wonder, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, but on a domestic scale and with minimalist contemporary design sensibilities and a functional purpose.



Created by MIA Design Studio, the home is both open to its surroundings but also shielded by a veil of greenery reaching up to the rooftop above.




“The boundary between the interior and exterior is being diminished, letting man sense the fluctuations of nature. Space is opened up but maintains the privacy of the individuals. This is the daunting problem of living in a metropolitan area with cramped space and pollution.”





The green screen is a theme carried between three distinct volumes of the house, lining a connective hallway that joins disparate living, sleeping and working spaces. A series of outdoor gardens between the interior areas and perimeter wall create a natural sanctuary for the residents, providing access to a personal forest within the a bustling built environment.

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Hanging Hotel: Camp in a Trunk-Friendly Tree House Retreat

08 Mar

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

tree house in context

Without harming the forest that supports it, this streamlined tree house design is stabilized by a central trunk but ultimately suspended from the branches above to minimize negative environmental impacts.

tree house shade structure

Tree houses typically rely on being either attached to trunks or translating their loads to grounded supports – in short: they either harm trees or are not truly ‘treehouses’. Farrow Partnership Architects proposes a middle path, relying on the tree without constricting its growth.

tree house overlooking lake

And while the structures are open-air for a camping-style experience, they are not lacking in luxuries (at least in terms of what one normally expects from architecture in trees: bedroom, bathroom and living room spaces complete with composting toilet and graywater shower.

tree house wood structure

tree house night module

The streamlined bent-wood structures are designed to be oriented around site-specific views, hung with thin metal wires and covered in semi-translucent material to provide a degree of shade and privacy while letting in natural light during the day (and becoming a kind of glowing lantern at night).

tree house lake context

tree house hanging forest

tree house interior view

This series of sky villas is set to be deployed in a national park near Toronto, Canada. Plans call for them to be sufficiently spaced out so that residents of one structure will not see the other, but simply the forest through the trees.

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Hanging Hotel: Hard-to-Reach Resort for Rock Climbers

01 Nov

[ By Steph in Conceptual & Futuristic & Technology. ]

If you can reach this futuristic hotel pod imbedded in the side of a mountain, your reward is a quiet resting space that you can customize to create a relaxing, meditative environment tailored to your whims. Designed for rock climbers, the Hanging Hotel concept by Dr. Margot Krasojevic was designed for Holden Manz Wine Estate Cape Town in Massif de L’Esterel in the South of France.

This ‘suspended campsite’ is a system of pods and platforms attached to the granite through borehole foundations injected into the rock face. The platforms on the exterior offer additional climbing surfaces, and places to rest while getting closer to the entrance.

Made of steel horizontal piles, columns and frames as well as plywood paneling, a carbon fiber-reinforced polymer shell and a wooden walkway, the Hanging Hotel clings to the rock face in seemingly precarious fashion, looking a bit like an artificial parasite.

Once inside, climbers can access what Krasojevic deems “the most important ingredient to this mix of materials” – a holographic filtered compound glass and prism louver system that alters the look and feel of the interior by adjusting the light level inside, reducing glare and producing shimmering colored light effects on the interior walls.

This orchestrated surreality takes advantage of climbers’ exhaustion and the physical effects of altitude to help them disassociate from the reality of the present moment for enhanced rest and recovery. “It can also ‘tune climbers in’ to the reality of the environment by creating a hyperawareness about the nuances of light that our vision may not be accustomed to seeing,” explains the designer.

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Hanging Rock by Moonlight – Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park

01 Aug

There are few things that pique the curiosity of night sky watchers more than the moon. Even my son at 10 months old started to point out the moon. If you see it enough it seems anything but special, but the moon is amazing. It’s an amazing sight to witness and an amazing subject to photograph. One thing that amazes photographers the most is that the full moon gives off so much light.

Overhanging Rock by Moonlight – Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park

The moon is one gigantic reflector in the sky. The moon reflects ~1/7th of the sun’s light back to Earth, so with the right exposure (~7x’s longer than normal) you can get an image that looks nearly indistinguishable from a daytime photo. If you’re walking at night under a full moon you might not think that much light is there to see, but on the contrary once your eyes adapt it can look incredibly bright. The moon is pretty cool all around so be sure to take the time to appreciate it on your next night walk or night photo shoot. The experience will more than likely awaken a primal curiosity no different in experience than our caveman relatives might have felt.

Photo Details:
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM at 20mm, f/4, 6 seconds, ISO 3200

Related Post:
Overhanging Rock & Yosemite Falls

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Hanging Rock by Moonlight – Glacier Point, Yosemite National Park

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