Posts Tagged ‘Handbag’

Binder Clip Handbag: Office Product-Inspired Tote Purse

31 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

binder clip hand bag

It is a familiar trope these days, but fun nonetheless: take a common object, tweak the scale and transform the materials, and you get a new item that has a recognizable shape but a distinct new function.

binder handbag giant sized

In this case, the Clip Bag by Peter Bristol manages to look both fresh and fashionable – the light (hollow aluminum) metal grip widens to fit the hand, and the felted bag manages to look a lot classier and more comfortable to carry than its plastic inspiration.

binder bag wood background

There is a curious psychological side-effect in play as well: suddenly, we are forced to rely a lot more on context to determine the size of the bag – it makes its tiny cousins look extra-small, and wood grain seem huge by comparison.

binder purse human hands

A play on memory and novelty, its scale becomes most obvious, in the end, when put to its intended use and held in human hands.

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[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

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Posted in Creativity


What’s in Erin’s Handbag? Photo tips for people on the go.

24 Nov

Portrait and Candid Photography Photo Workshop: Develop Your Digital Photography Talent (Photo Workshop) LEARN TO CAPTURE PERSONALITIES WITH YOUR LENS Taking great “people pictures” isn’t a matter of luck. The secret is in observing your subjects and connecting with them, and then using your camera to its best advantage. Here’s how to work with lighting, location, angle, composition, physical characteristics, environment, and a host of other variables, including the unique challenges of photographing babies, group activities, and action. Apply these techniques and watch your subjects come to life; then test your newfound skills by completing the assignments at the end of each chapter and collecting feedback on your work at Book Description * Erin Manning, DIY Network host of The Whole Picture, tells aspiring photographers how to take outstanding photos of people in this full-color book filled with great images * Helps readers gain the skills and confidence to successfully use the digital camera as a tool to create and capture life’s moments * Every chapter ends with an assignment that readers are encouraged to complete and then upload their best image to to share with others and receive critiques * Introduces the technology and the basics for developing an artistic eye, arming readers with real-life techniques that will help them connect with and photograph people