Posts Tagged ‘engineer’

Turn Old Family PicsInto Big Ol’ Engineer Prints

11 Jun

Dads are great. So great, in fact, that they deserve a really big present this Father’s Day.

Are you thinking what we’re thinking? Let’s say it together now:

Engineer Prints!

These hugenormous prints are perfect gifts, especially if you make ‘em out of old family pictures.

So we’re gonna 1) show you how to digitize old prints and 2) give you some fun ideas for making your Engineer Prints unique and wonderful, just like your fave guy.

Engineer Prints Say Happy Father’s Day!

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Into Big Ol’
Engineer Prints (895 words)

© Taylor for Photojojo, 2015. |
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Engineer Prints”>

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Get Mom an Engineer Print Kit (She’ll love it!)

04 May

Fun fact: Your mom adores photos. The more the better … and the bigger the better!

Today only (5/4) we’ve discounted our Engineer Print Kits by 10 smackeroos, so you can snag one on the cheap. Mom always did give prudent financial advice.

As her favorite child, she’ll obviously print a life-size photo of you with her Engineer Print gift card. Then, she’ll hang it will the mounting goodies that come in the kit. It’ll be like you’re always there, making monkey faces. Thanks, mom.

Order today and we’ll get it to you (or straight to her) in time for Mom’s Day!

Go BIG for Mom
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Engineer Print Kit
(She’ll love it!) (0 words)

© Erin for Photojojo, 2015. |
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(She’ll love it!)”>

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Snazzy Engineer Prints, Limited Supplies!

20 Mar

Spruce up your digs and support awesome photographers!

We teamed up with a few of our fave photo makers to offer a limited run (hurry! hurry!) of their work printed up as big beautiful 3 foot x 4 foot Engineer Prints.

See Our Selection of Engineer Prints
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© Erin for Photojojo, 2015. |
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5 Festive Ways to Craft Your Engineer Prints

17 Nov
Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

Want seriously impressive seasonal decor?

Some lo-fi black and white Engineer Prints may be just what you’re looking for!

They’re super BIG (3 feet x 4 feet!) but lightweight and therefore perfect for decorating/crafting.

So check out our five ideas on how to use your prints around the house this holiday season. They’ll look amazing whether you keep them larger than life or cut ‘em down in size.

5 Ways Your Prints Can Spread Cheer This Season

p.s. Know a friend who loves crafts as much as we do? Put a smile on their face by putting an Engineer Print Gift Kit under their tree!

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© Taylor for Photojojo, 2014. |
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3 Ways to Embellish Your Engineer Prints

07 Aug
Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

Unless you’ve been living under a big fat rock, you are all over our Engineer Prints right?

Yup folks, we are now printing your photos human sized in lo fi black and white ink. Deck the walls! And floor. And ceiling!

If you’ve done just that and want EVEN more pizzazz, we’ve got you covered.

Three ways to give your prints color with some personality to boot coming atcha. Go go go!

Make Your Engineer Prints Even More Amazing

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© Erika for Photojojo, 2014. |
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Senior Nokia imaging engineer is joining Apple

10 May


According to a report by Engadget, Apple has hired Nokia’s head of Lumia imaging, Ari Partinen. Partinen sent out a tweet saying today was his last day at Nokia and that in June he’ll be starting ‘a new chapter in Cupertino’. In a later tweet he confirmed the company he’ll be working for in Cupertino is indeed Apple. Learn more

News: Digital Photography Review (

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