Posts Tagged ‘Emails’

Google Gmail – Show Maps Automatically in Emails Instead of Copying and Pasting

16 Apr

If you often receive addresses via Google Gmail, why copy and paste them into a Google Maps window?

Depending on your electronic mail habits, you may have contacts that often need to send addresses to your Gmail account. When you get these addresses and need to view them on a map, would you rather A) copy and paste the addresses into a new browser tab running Google Maps, or B) have Gmail show the maps automatically inside the e-mail messages?

If your answer is “B”, there is a Google Labs extension that will do just that, and it’s easy to set up:…

Read more at MalekTips.
New Computer and Technology Help and Tips – MalekTips.Com

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Posted in Technology


Get Any Weird Emails From Me Lately?

18 Jul
My email was hacked. Sorry. It’s a known (and fairly widespread and persistent) browser exploit attacking Yahoo accounts.

I apologize to anyone affected. Still putting out fires today, and trying to get to the bottom of it. That said, if I appear to have sent you a link via email, please don’t click on it. Even if it is for the really good manhood pills.



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Posted in Photography


reply to emails March 9

16 Feb In this i reply to questions about 1) light meters 2)gregory crewdson 3)18-200mm lens 4) wedding camera d700 vs d7000 5) lens for portraits 6) lens buying 7) fuji s6pro 8) medium jpeg vs raw 9) wedding photographer first time equipment
Video Rating: 5 / 5

LINKS: You don’t know how to add this to your movie? I would create a tutorial!
Video Rating: 5 / 5


Microsoft Outlook 2010 – Force Spell Check to Occur Before Sending Emails

30 Oct

To help avoid embarrassing mistakes, configure Outlook 2010 to always spell check your e-mail before sending it.

Microsoft Outlook 2010 automatically corrects many common spelling errors via its AutoCorrect features, and words not found in the dictionary are marked with red squiggles. However, if you type up a quick e-mail and press the “Send” button, it can be easy to glance over possible spelling errors.

You can configure the software to automatically spell check documents once you hit the “Send” button, displaying dialog boxes as it finds possible misspellings and asking you how to correct them. While running a spell checker automatically won’t guarantee your documents will be free from errors, it probably won’t hurt. Plus, if you’re in a hurry and have to get an e-mail sent ASAP (errors or not), you can abort the spell check operation….

Read more at MalekTips.
New Computer and Technology Help and Tips – MalekTips.Com

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