Posts Tagged ‘Electric’

Surfing Without Waves: Electric Wakeboard Powers Itself

07 Oct

[ By Steph in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

electric wakeboard 5

Surfers living inland, or anyone who’s ever eyeballed their city’s river wishing they could use it to get around stalled traffic, could make their waveless surfing dreams come true with a self-propelled electric wakeboard. Developed by Swedish water sport company Radinn, the board is controlled via a wireless handheld remote and can zoom along the surface of the water at up to 30 miles per hour.

Electric wakeboard 4

Electric wakeboard 3

electric wakeboard 7

Jet-propelled by lightweight lithium batteries, the board is small enough to carry and has a carbon fiber body. It’s compatible with standard wakeboard bindings. Radinn created several generations of prototypes, testing and refining the design to prep it for production of the first batch of pre-orders this winter.

electric wakeboard 1

Electric wakeboard 2

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That means you can take it virtually anywhere, freeing the sport of surfing beyond the confines of beaches that get good waves. The electric wakeboard takes urban surfing even further than artificial waves in places like Munich’s English Garden, making it possible to cruise along virtually any body of water.

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Urban Glider: Compact Portable Electric Unicycle for Cities

17 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

urban glider design crowdfunding

Light, small and surprisingly fast, this single-wheeled cycle is designed to let you zip around cities, then stop and pick it up like a suitcase when you arrive at your destination – a sweet last-mile solution for urban commuters and travelers.

unicycle electric personal vehicle

The Urban Glider uses a gyroscopically-stabilized electric mono-wheel to help you stay upright as you stand on footplates straddling the sides of a central 16-inch wheel.

urban glider prototype concept copy

Leaning back lets you slow, stop or reverse while leaning forward engages the engine in that direction, and tilting to either side allows you to turn using intuitive movements.

urban glider colors

The convenient size of the device means you don’t have to worry about parking or locking up your car, scooter or bike. And unlike other small-scale solutions, you also do not need to switch out blades or skates for shoes between uses.

unicycle city street sidewalk

Hopping from the glider to other transit is also simple, since you can carry the 24-pound vehicle onto buses, trains or planes.

urban glider design

unicycle urban glider design

With a top speed of around 13 miles per hour you won’t be breaking any records for velocity, but can get places much faster than you would be able to on foot.

The battery is designed to last for up to 6 hours of use and can be charged in last than 30 minutes. Currently, crowdfunding on Kickstarter is paused but the company seems adamant about making a go of this personal vehicle one way or another. The Urban Glider is set to retail for $ 1200 – expensive on some metrics, perhaps, but fairly cheap as short-distance electric transit goes.

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Event Photography: How To Take Electric Photos of Rock Bands

13 Aug

Do you remember the photographs that inspired you to want to take photography more seriously? If so, you must have a better memory than me. 😉 I don’t remember the specific photographs that made me want to keep me camera with me at all times. Maybe it was Henri-Cartier Bresson’s street photography, or maybe it was Andreas Gursky’s Rhine which Continue Reading

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It’s Electric: 14 Fun and Interactive Conductive Designs

25 Nov

[ By Steph in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

Conductive Design Main

Electronic functions aren’t just limited to gadgets anymore – they can be extended to everyday objects, architectural surfaces, paper, clothing and even our own bodies. Conductive paint, thread and wires are used in conjunction with little processors like the Arduino Lilypad to turn bananas into musical instruments or a pair of metallic false eyelashes into a controller for an LED headset.

Gilded Ceramic Radio Controlled by Gesture

Conductive Designs Ceramic Radio

The metallic patterns on what looks like no more than a ceramic vase aren’t merely ornamental. In fact, they’re how you control the volume, frequency and on/off functions of this object, which is actually a radio. Made using fine palladium paint that has conductive properties, geometric patterns each have an individual motif for the function they control. The Hibou, as it’s called, is the result of an unusual collaboration between a gilder and an electronic specialist.

MusicInk: Turning Paper into Instruments

Conductive Designs MusicInk

Flat sheets of ordinary paper become functioning, noise-making instruments thanks to a prototype kit containing conductive carbon paint, stencils and an Arduino Duemilanove board. Individual painted areas on the paper turn into playable trumpets, guitars, drums and more (recorded by the London Philharmonic Orchestra) by turning them into capacitive sensors that react to gestures. The Arduino board is synched with a smartphone app via Bluetooth.

Touch Board Turns Everyday Objects into Interactive Artifacts

Conductive Designs touchboard

Another touch board uses capacitive sensing  to turn any conductive material into an interface. The touch boards are pre-programmed to turn gestures into sound just by connecting them to a speaker and plugging in a micro USB cable. You effectively paint light switches, volume controls or musical instruments onto a surface with electrically conductive paint, and then use gestures to control them.

SmartWrap Interactive Building Film

Conductive Design SmartWrap

Now imagine taking that kind of interactive functionality and applying it to an entire building. That’s the idea behind SmartWrap interactive architectural film, which can be applied to a wall or the facade of a structure to provide not just shelter and climate control but also lighting, information display and power. It’s embedded with OLED technology, thin film batteries and silicon cells and conductive ink.

Conductive Body Paint Enables Novel Interaction with Environment

Conductive Designs Body Paint

A conductive ink applied directly to human skin can bridge the gap between electronics and the body. Bare Conductive’s body paint is a skin-safe, water-soluble carbon-based ink that can be brushed, stamped or sprayed on to allow users to interact with technology through gestures, creating ‘custom electronics.’ The makers list potential areas of use as dance performances, music, fashion, security, military, audio/visual communication and medical devices.

Next Page – Click Below to Read More:
Its Electric 14 Fun And Interactive Conductive Designs

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GIO Electric Scooter “E-Bike” in action – Canon T1i / 500D video test [HD]

01 Nov

Testing my brand new red GIO ebike. Shot with a Canon T1i / 500D DSLR camera Don’t forget to subscribe and check my other videos!

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Posted in Nikon Videos



25 Oct

produced by Tamara Susa Photographer & Videographer
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Taking photographs of a couple making love proves deadly when the photographer enlarges the image and discovers murder. The film and pictures are stolen from his studio and the body vanishes. In this elegant balance of deciet and trickery, the photographer must question the reality of what he has actually seen. MPAA Rating: NOTRATED (c) 1966 A Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved
Video Rating: 5 / 5


Posted in Photography Videos


3D Electric Knife! Youtube 3D TAG!!!

20 May this is a 3d video.put on red and cyan 3d glasses.this is recorded in anaglyph 3d.with 2 cameras.this is me waving an Electric Knife out of your tv dont move or you will get cut.then i cut a potato in to pieces. dont have 3D Glasses go HERE Check Out My 3D Web Site 3d tv glasses

A cool, stereoscopic 3D film produced by Tim Maupin. Watch using anaglyph (red/blue) glasses. For more information on 3D Camera Rigs, 3D Production & 3D Training Workshops visit