Surfing Without Waves: Electric Wakeboard Powers Itself

07 Oct

[ By Steph in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

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Surfers living inland, or anyone who’s ever eyeballed their city’s river wishing they could use it to get around stalled traffic, could make their waveless surfing dreams come true with a self-propelled electric wakeboard. Developed by Swedish water sport company Radinn, the board is controlled via a wireless handheld remote and can zoom along the surface of the water at up to 30 miles per hour.

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Jet-propelled by lightweight lithium batteries, the board is small enough to carry and has a carbon fiber body. It’s compatible with standard wakeboard bindings. Radinn created several generations of prototypes, testing and refining the design to prep it for production of the first batch of pre-orders this winter.

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That means you can take it virtually anywhere, freeing the sport of surfing beyond the confines of beaches that get good waves. The electric wakeboard takes urban surfing even further than artificial waves in places like Munich’s English Garden, making it possible to cruise along virtually any body of water.

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[ By Steph in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

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