Posts Tagged ‘Curves’

How to do Quick and Easy Curves Adjustments in Photoshop

02 Oct


When you are starting out learning to edit in Photoshop there are a lot of tools from which to choose. The Curves Adjustment is one of the more advanced tools, so it often overwhelms new users. However it is such a powerful tool that it is well worth investing some time learning to use it. In this article I’ll explain what you can understand about your image from the Curves dialog and how to use curves to edit your photos.

Creating a Curves Adjustment

You can get to the Curves dialog in two ways; by choosing Image > Adjustments > Curves or you can add it as a new adjustment layer by selecting Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves. In each case the dialog is a little differently laid out but the same features are available.

This is the curves dialog you see when you choose Image > Adjustments > Curves:


And this is the Curves dialog you see when you choose Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves:


In this article I’ll focus on the Curves Adjustment Layer dialog because when you edit a photo using Adjustment Layers you can come back later and remove the adjustment or fine tune it. It would be more difficult to do this if you were to apply the effect directly to the image. In addition an adjustment layer has a mask that you can use to remove its effect from selected areas of the image. In short, using a Curves adjustment layer is a non-destructive editing technique.

When you open the Curves dialog you’ll see a chart – called a histogram – beneath the curve line (you must be using Photoshop CS3 or later to see this). The histogram is a plot of the brightness of every pixel in the image so it is an indication of the image’s tonal range. The darker pixels are plotted on the left and the lighter pixels on the right.


Ideally the histogram should stretch between the left and right side of the grid without bumping up heavily against either edge. If the histogram is hard up against the left edge of the grid as in the following example, the image is underexposed so the image contains plugged up shadows where detail has been lost.


On the other hand, if the histogram is jammed up against the right side of the grid, the image contains blown out highlights. It is overexposed and some detail has been lost in the highlight areas.


Plugged up shadows and blown out highlights may be difficult, if not impossible to recover, particularly if you capture images as jpeg files. If you capture in a raw format you have a better chance of recovering detail in these areas because more data is retained in the raw file.

Setting the White and Black points

If the histogram does not reach either edge of the grid then you will have an image that lacks either blacks, whites, or both. Hold the Alt key (Option key on a Mac) and drag each triangle marker underneath the histogram to move them inwards so they appear just under the point where the first white or black pixels are located in the chart.


Holding the Alt or Option key ensures that you can see the pixels change on the image as you are adjusting them. Adjust the markers under the chart until you only just see a few white and black pixels in the image (as seen above as areas that are light or a color).


Remove a Color Cast

The Curves dialog also has an eyedropper that you can use to remove a color cast from the image. Click the middle of the three eyedroppers to set a grey point by clicking on an area of the image which should be neutral grey. If the color under the eyedropper isn’t neutral (if it’s Red, Green and Blue values are not equal) then Photoshop will adjust the image to make the color neutral – effectively removing the color cast. You can click repeatedly on the image until you find a place that gives you a good result. It is advisable to set the sample size on the tool options bar to 3 by 3 Average before you sample a gray point so that your sample is more than just a single pixel.


Adjusting the Curve

The standard curve is actually a straight line running diagonally across the grid from the bottom left to the top right of the chart. This straight line is equivalent to no adjustment at all so, by default, the Curves adjustment does nothing to the image.


You can adjust the Curve line a couple of ways. One option is to click and drag on the line in an upward or downward direction to adjust the pixels of that tone in the photo. One adjustment that you can perform using this technique is to drag the line into what is often referred to as a shallow S-curve.

To do this, click and drag the line down on the left side of the grid and drag the line slightly up on the top right of the grid. This adds additional contrast to the image mid-tones – because anywhere that the curve line is steepened, you add contrast and anywhere it is flatter you reduce the contrast. By dragging the line into a shallow S-curve you’re steepening the line through the area in which the image mid-tones are located increasing contrast in those tones.


You can also adjust the curves line by clicking the onscreen adjustment tool and then drag on an area of the image that you want to adjust. Drag upward to lighten the tones represented by the pixels under the eyedropper, and drag downward to darken them. Notice that you aren’t just adjusting the area around the point where you are dragging, you are also adjusting all the pixels of that tonal value in the image, wherever they are located.


Whenever you’re adjusting the curve line make sure not to flatten it or invert it. If you invert the line as shown below then you’ll invert the colors in the image.


If the line is flat (horizonally) then the pixels in the flat area will all become the same shade of gray.


Working with Points on the Curve

To add points to the curve line simply click on the line where the point should be added. To remove a point on the curve, click on it and drag it off the edge of the chart and it will be removed.

Sometimes you may want to fix the line so it does not move, thus allowing you to adjust the curve on either side of the fixed point. To fix the line, click on it to add a point at its current position. Sometimes you may need to add a couple of points so that you can then adjust other areas of the line without also affecting tones that you don’t want to change. In the image below I have fixed the highlights so that the curve line wouldn’t move when I dragged up on the left end to lighten the darker areas of the photo. If I hadn’t locked down the highlights the entire curve line would have moved upwards, risking the highlights become too light.


Using the onscreen (targeted) adjustment tool you can also determine where on the curve line certain tones in the image are located. Instead of clicking and dragging on the image, simply hold your mouse pointer over an area of interest. When you do this the appropriate point on the curve that relates to the pixels under the mouse pointer will be indicated with a hollow circle.


If you want to add a point on the curve at this location Ctrl + Click (Command + Click on a Mac) on the image to do so.


Adjusting Individual Colors with Curves

In addition to the RGB channel you can also adjust the curve for individual color  channels. From the dropdown list that displays RGB by default, choose the channel you want to adjust – there are selectors for Red, Green and Blue.


The red channel controls both red and cyan in the image; drag upward to add red to the image and downward to add cyan. The green channel controls green and magenta, so drag upward to add green and downward to add magenta. Likewise the blue channel controls blue and yellow; drag upward to add blue and downward to add yellow.

Using the color channels you can, for example, warm up an image. You could do this by adding red (drag up on the curve in the red channel) or yellow (drag down on the curve in the blue channel), or both.


Adjusting the Curves Adjustment

Once you have applied a Curves adjustment to your photo you can close the Curves Properties dialog. At any time, if you used a curves adjustment layer you can double click on the curves layer thumbnail to open the curves dialog and further adjust it.


As with other adjustment layers a layer mask is automatically added to the curve adjustment layer. Target the mask in the Layers palette and you can then paint on it with black or gray to remove the effect of the curve from a selected area of the image. Paint on the mask with white to paint reveal the adjustment in that area again. In the image below, the mask shows that the curves adjustment affects only the building (white area) and not the sky (black area).


You can also add a black to white gradient fill to mask the curves adjustment so it is applied to the top part of the image and not the bottom.

In some situations you may want to add multiple curve adjustments to an image – the first which fixes one part of the photo and another to fix another part of the photo. You can use the layer masks to control how each curves adjustment affects the photo.


Using Presets

Photoshop ships with some curves presets that you can use by selecting them from the Preset dropdown list.


You can also create your own presets. So if there is an adjustment such as a shallow S-curve that you like to apply to many of your photos, you can save this curve as a preset by first adjusting the line to the desired shape then click the fly-out menu and choose Save Curves Preset, type a name, and click Save. In future your preset will be available from the list.


Learning to use curves will give you more options when editing your images in Photoshop. You’ll find curves are a feature of most advanced editing software so it is an adjustment you will find in other programs including Gimp, Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw.

You can view a video of this tutorial on curves below:

Do you have any other tips for using curves in Photoshop? Please share in the comments below.

The post How to do Quick and Easy Curves Adjustments in Photoshop by Helen Bradley appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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Curves: Weekly Photography Challenge

18 May

This week – as a follow up to our article Composing with Curves – your challenge is to take and share an image on the theme of ‘Curves’.

Atlanterhavsveien - "The Atlantic Road"

Read Composing with Curves, choose one of the types of curves mentioned (‘C Curves’, ‘Arches’, ‘S Curves’, ‘Circles’ or ‘Implied Curves’) and go out and try to capture some of them.

Arched people

Once you’ve taken your ‘Curves’ Photos – choose your best 1-2, upload them to your favourite photo sharing site either share a link to them even better – embed them in the comments using the our new tool to do so.

If you tag your photos on Flickr, Instagram, Twitter or other sites with Tagging tag them as #DPSCURVES to help others find them. Linking back to this page might also help others know what you’re doing so that they can share in the fun.

Beijing Opera House ("The Egg") - ?????

Also – don’t forget to check out some of the great shots posted in last weeks Headshots challenge – there were some great shots submitted.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

Curves: Weekly Photography Challenge

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Composing with Curves

16 May

Do you want to make your images more dynamic and aesthetically pleasing? Try looking for curves when you are photographing!

Once you start looking for them, you will find them everywhere.

Curves make an image easy to look at by leading the viewer’s eye through the frame. It is almost as if the photographer takes the viewer by the hand, draws them into the landscape, and points the way. The viewer’s eyes are compelled to follow the line.

Curves are graceful, rhythmic, dynamic and add energy to an image. They can separate or connect elements or simply offer a balance.

Look for C Curves

C curves, or semi-circles, are probably the easiest curves to find since almost any curve qualifies. It can be anything from the gentle curve of a seashore, lakeshore, a rounded rock, or grasses blowing in the wind.

While visiting a plantation I was immediately drawn to these live oak trees with branches that curve over the entire lawn forming a canopy overhead.

Boone Hall Planation in Charleston, South Carolina by Anne McKinnell

Boone Hall Planation in Charleston, South Carolina


Arches are another form of curve. They can be found naturally in rock formations if you’re in the right part of the world, or you can find them commonly in architecture. I like to make images with multiple arches if possible and take advantage of repeating curves.

Archway in Balboa Park, San Diego, California by Anne McKinnell

Archway in Balboa Park, San Diego, California

S Curves

S curves can have a mesmerizing effect on the viewer as their eyes sweep back and forth through the frame. They also create a sense of depth as the eye moves from foreground to background.

S curves can be found in the natural flow of a river, a winding road, or a pathway.

Colorado River, Arizona by Anne McKinnell

Colorado River, Arizona


Circles can be found in nature from ripples in a pond or puddles of water, or in many man-made objects.

Often in architecture you can find compositions that combine multiple curves as well as some lines that add depth and variety to the image.

Legislature Rotunda, Victoria, British Columbia by Anne McKinnell

Rotunda in the Legislature, Victoria, British Columbia

Implied Curves

Perhaps the most effective use of curves are the images that are much more subtle that the examples shown above: implied curves.

They are created when objects in the frame imply the shape. Rather than the shape jumping out at you in the bend of river, the photographer has to put a little more work into composing an image to make the elements in the scene form a shape, or by recognizing and taking advantage of a shape when it happens.

I was ready to make this image at Mono Lake, California, from a lower perspective when I realized that if I stood up and made it at eye level, the tufa formations would form an S shape.

Mono Lake, California by Anne McKinnellMono Lake, California by Anne McKinnell

At Custer State Park, South Dakota, I was following a herd of bison when this mother looked back toward her calf and I saw the S shape right away.

Bison mother and calf by Anne McKinnellBison mother and calf by Anne McKinnell


  • Remember you are guiding the viewer’s eye so choose carefully where you want the the eye to enter the frame and where it should go from there.
  • Other compositional “rules” can also be applied. For example, you can have a symmetrical composition or follow the rule of thirds as well as having a curve shape in the frame for an effective and dynamic image.
  • Make sure the image is well balanced with your curve not too close to the edges of the frame.

Give yourself a challenge and go on a photo shoot with the goal of finding curves and use them to add interest and beauty to your compositions.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

Composing with Curves

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Curves ENT shoot with Affinity Model Lang and Exotic Nissan 240

04 Dec

Curves ENT shoot with rSellos photography and OTG Video
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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Posted in Photography Videos


Selective Colour in Photoshop, plus a quick bit about Curves

20 Oct

This is a tutorial that (tries to) demonstrate the power of the Selective Colour dialogue in Photoshop. I mess up a little (accidentally leaving the dialogue on absolute instead of relative), but I think it works out anyway… I also do my best to explain how Curves actually works, (especially why an s-curve works to increase contrast). Comments / Criticism always welcome. =)
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted in Retouching in Photoshop


How To Change Lip Color In Photoshop With Curves Lesson19

13 Dec – In this tutorial we are going to learn how to change colors of lips but by using the curves. Curves is great for this as you can get more of a natural lip color. By using curves we can come in later and change it to anything we want.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Dodge and Burn with Curves

03 Jun

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GIMP Tutorial: Using Curves to Improve Contrast

24 Oct

Please comment and rate videos – this will help other people find them by ranking them higher…it takes a second 🙂 — A tutorial for using the most useful and powerful colour/contrast tool in the GIMP! Don’t leave home without it!

Picasa 3.5 Instructional Video – Organizing your photos with David Casuto
Video Rating: 4 / 5


GIMP Tutorial: Using Curves to Improve Night Shots

20 Oct

Please comment and rate videos – this will help other people find them by ranking them higher…it takes a second 🙂 — Another tutorial for the heavenly Curves tool. This should help you remove unwanted colour casts from your photos and make you favourite pictures actually evoke the memories of your favourite scenes! This technique is more an art than a science – open up curves and play around with it…it’s the best way to experiment. — Next week: Using the Curves tool to get chores around the house done and make you more appealing to the opposite sex…(ok, maybe curves can’t do *everything*)


Curves for advanced lighting control: Photoshop retouching

29 Jan Use the biggest cannon in Photoshops lighting control arsenal, the scarcy powerful Curves command!
Video Rating: 4 / 5