Neil Gaiman’s fairy tale horror, “Coraline” is being adapted as a stop-motion animated film by Henry Selick, the director of “The Nightmare Before Christmas” and “James and the Giant Peach”. It is set to be released on February 6, 2009, and it’s the first stop-motion animated film to be shot in stereoscopic 3D. Here is a look behind the scenes of the film, with interviews from Selick and Gaiman, cast members including Ian McShane and John Hodgman, and all-new footage of Coraline! This video is first in a series of featurettes, presented exclusively by Rotten Tomatoes over the course of “Coraline Sneak Peek Week”. This video is shown courtesy of Rotten Tomatoes and IGN. “Coraline” ©2008 Focus Features and LAIKA Entertainment House.