Posts Tagged ‘Click’

Wear 3D Glasses and Click 3D on the bottom right

21 Nov

Filmed some stuff with a 3D lens, just for fun, enjoy! Watch with the blue/red 3d glasses you can get from movies and stuff.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted in 3D Videos


Windows 7 – Send Files To Any Application via Right Click Menu

16 Oct

Modify Windows 7’s “Send To” menu to send files to other applications including Notepad.

Since many file types do not have associated programs and you may not want to set up associations for all of them, it may prove useful to try determining the contents by viewing or editing such files in Notepad or another text editor.

To aid with this, right-click on a file in Windows 7 and a “Send To” menu appears. Select this option and you can copy the file to the Desktop as a shortcut, compress the file, send it to an attached CD/DVD drive (if applicable), and other options may be present. Why not add Notepad or your desired text editor to this list for easy access?…

Read more at MalekTips.
New Computer and Technology Help and Tips – MalekTips.Com

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Mozilla Firefox – Plugins and Extensions – Double Click a Link to Open in a New Tab

01 Aug

With the DblClicker extension you can double-click links to open up new tabs, useful for search results pages.

When browsing a webpage in Firefox that contains a lot of links, such as a search engine results page, have you found yourself opening each link in a new tab so you can easily switch back to the results page instead of having to use the back button?

If so, you probably have either held down the Ctrl or Command (Mac) key while clicking on each link, or you have right-clicked on each link and selected “Open Link in New Tab”….

Read more at MalekTips.
New Computer and Technology Help and Tips – MalekTips.Com

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