Posts Tagged ‘Amsterdam’

Eyeing post-Brexit landscape, Sony announces Amsterdam office will become new European HQ

24 Jan

According to a report from Nikkei Asian Review, Sony is moving its European headquarters from the United Kingdom (UK) to the Netherlands in an effort to avoid shipping and customs disruptions that are expected as a result of the UK leaving the European Union (EU).

In its report, Nikkei had the following to say regarding the transition:

‘The Japanese technology giant will merge England-based Sony Europe, which manages its European electronics business, into a new subsidiary in Amsterdam. The new entity will begin operations in April, after Brexit at the end of March, while the U.K. arm will continue to manage product imports and sales, with no personnel to be relocated.’

Nikkei notes Europe is a ‘crucial market’ for Sony, with a reported €14.5 / £12.7 / $ 16.5 billion in sales in the 2017 fiscal year — more than 20% of its total revenue.

The BBC also reported on Sony’s transition, saying:

‘In a statement Sony said the move would mean “we can continue our business as usual without disruption once the UK leaves the EU. All our existing European business functions, facilities, departments, sites and location of our people will remain unchanged from today.”’

Both reports note Sony isn’t alone in its transition. Electronics manufacturer and Sony rival Panasonic announced it too was making a move to Amsterdam in October 2018 due to tax issues as a result of the UK’s decision to leave the EU.

Update (January 23rd, 2019): Headline has been updated for clarity regarding the situation of Sony’s transition.

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Amsterdam Airbnb in a Metro Station Mocks Misleading & Harmful Hotels

25 May

[ By SA Rogers in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]

Anyplace can be an Airbnb – including vans, sheds, housing that should rightfully be for rent to the city’s residents, and cozy rooms ‘by the metro’ that turn out to actually be in the metro station. In fact, the latter example is on display in the metro station Wibautstraat in Amsterdam’s city center right now, walled off with glass to put guests on full display of commuters in a commentary on how misleading and harmful listings on the travel accommodations website can be.

Created by Dutch artist Boudewijn Rückert, the installation could be read in a variety of ways without context. If you didn’t know the artist’s intentions, you might think this was an advertisement, or an unconventional room made available by Airbnb as a promotional stunt. But lean in and take a close look at the placard accompanying the exhibition.

The text reads, “This unique location is an ideal base for your Amsterdam exploring. Spacious room with artificial lighting. It is really cosy and comfortable. Very close to the city center, ideal for conference goers. Very safe environment. Open and big windows. Public transport is very nearby.”

As Rücker notes on his website, roughly 15,000 homes are currently offered “as a permanent holiday” in the city, excluding them from housing and contributing to gentrification. Plus, the way these accommodations are typically styled makes them exceedingly generic in the sterile Silicon Valley aesthetic increasingly referred to as ‘Airspace.’

The artist outfitted the room in furniture and decor you could find in any city around the world thanks to Ikea, along with “a butt-ugly vase with plastic flowers,” with nothing but a photo of an Amsterdam ferry on the wall to hint at the room’s geographic location.

While he’s aware that the installation is bound to press the buttons of Airbnb fans and perhaps the company itself, he hopes it will stimulate conversation around how renting out all these rooms is affecting the lives of people who live in the host cities – a controversy that’s definitely not limited to the city of Amsterdam.

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[ By SA Rogers in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]

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Prison Reformed: Amsterdam Structure Now Hosts Refugee Center & Art Hub

26 Jan

[ By SA Rogers in Architecture & Cities & Urbanism. ]


A structure that once housed thousands of prisoners now hosts up to 1,000 refugees as well as a creative hub, offering space “in a time of fear and division.” Amsterdam’s Bijlmerbajes first opened in 1978 and closed in 2016, and the complex, which consists of six towers, went up for sale shortly thereafter. It’s set to be demolished later this year – but until then, it’ll function as a temporary home for those seeking asylum in addition to art studios, offices for entrepreneurs and other projects.



The new ‘Lola Lik’ cultural hub opened on January 20th in the former main building of the prison, neighbor to the refugee center known as Wenckebachweg. The complex’s courtyard has been transformed into gardens, and will host Solar World Cinema, a project bringing free films to open-air public spaces.



Lola Lik also hosts The Favela Painting Foundation, which “invigorates public urban spaces by turning them into inspiring and colorful artworks of monumental size.” The group, which is responsible for large-scale art projects in Haiti, Philadelphia and Rio de Janeiro, also helped give the drab concrete prison buildings a cheerful makeover.


The space aims to be an incubator for inspiring projects and businesses operated by both the refugees who live next door and residents who have lived in Amsterdam a bit longer. The space is open to the public, and its studio spaces can be rented. The prison’s former kitchens have been transformed into a ‘Start-Up Kitchen’ run by Jay Asad, a Syrian entrepreneur who formerly owned several restaurants, a hotel and specialty donut shops in Damascus.

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[ By SA Rogers in Architecture & Cities & Urbanism. ]

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Milan in Amsterdam

05 Feb

I met Milan last January when I was in Los Angeles shooting editorial. I had three shoots I had to cast for and while she wasn’t the right fit for the jobs I was shooting for, I knew I HAD to shoot her at some point. When I returned to LA three months later to teach at my LA Workshop I revisited the idea of working with her. I didn’t have a magazine assignment, though. But no worries, I decided I would test with Milan! And I’m really glad I got the opportunity to because she was amazing in front of the camera! In fact, I loved her so much, I just shot her again last month for Jimon Magazine. So look out for that shoot soon as I think the magazine is going to hit the newsstands shortly.

Milan is 5’9 1/2″ and has the most incredible body! She’s very toned and I wanted to show that banging body of hers, so I lit her with a white beauty dish only. I didn’t diffuse or grid the dish, I really wanted to see a hard line of light right on her skin. Anabel DeHaven from Artists by Timothy Priano did the make up and shined Milan’s skin up making it a nice reflective surface so the light would shine! Jonathan Mason, also from Artists by Timothy Priano, who styled Milan’s hair, simply slicked it back so we could use different head pieces on her. And of course, my dearest friend and one of my favorite stylists, Rodney Burns, pulled the looks together.

The beauty dish was placed just camera right of Milan, casting a shadow on the backdrop. I used some antique lights in the background mainly for atmosphere. I brought the images back to NYC and had them retouched in NYC. Two months later, while I was Europe, I was honored with an exhibition in Amsterdam displaying some of my fashion work. Since my shoot with Milan had never found a home in a magazine, I thought that she would be great as part of the exhibition. So we printed huge prints of her from this shoot and they were presented in July in Amsterdam. You can read about the show here!

And oddly enough, this past December, Advance Magazine from Amsterdam wrote me and asked me if I had a story that hadn’t been published that they could run. I showed them Milan and they loved it so they ran her in their January issue! So in the end, Milan found an editorial and now Holland really knows about Milan!

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Exhibition of My Work in Amsterdam

29 Jan

Some of you might know that I have been traveling and shooting in Europe this past month. But most of you should know that on July 3rd, 2012 Park Hotel Amsterdam will hold an exhibition of some of my fashion work. It’s always an honor to have your work put up on a wall for people to come and see. But this is very close to my heart for many reasons. For one, my dear friend Yoram Roth is a very close friend and he invited me to show in his premier gallery space at the Park Hotel. I met Yoram several years ago when I was teaching workshops in Dubai. We met the first day of the first class and we clicked immediately. He’s one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. His personality is larger than life, his energy fills up the room and everyone who has ever met him or ever come into contact with him, will never forget him! Plus, he is an accomplished photographer himself and very proud of the diligence and passion he has thrown into his photography over the past 2 years. So to be invited by him is just so awesome! Another reason why I’m so excited about this show is that I have a lot of personal history in Amsterdam. It’s a city I have visited often and have had incredible experiences in. So to have a show there just really touches my heart.

The show is part of the events that kick off Fashion Week in Amsterdam. Holland has some of the world’s most famous fashion designers: Viktor and Rolf, Marlies DekkersAddy van den Krommenacker and Koos Van Den Akker to name just a few. I’m very excited to be a part of Amsterdam’s Fashion Week and to have my work shown at one of the biggest kick off gala’s of the year.

If you are in Amsterdam or live near it and want to come to the opening, RSVP HERE before the 28th of JUNE. And hopefully we’ll see you there!

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Exhibition of My Work in Amsterdam

01 Jul

Some of you might know that I have been traveling and shooting in Europe this past month. But most of you should know that on July 3rd, 2012 Park Hotel Amsterdam will hold an exhibition of some of my fashion work. It’s always an honor to have your work put up on a wall for people to come and see. But this is very close to my heart for many reasons. For one, my dear friend Yoram Roth is a very close friend and he invited me to show in his premier gallery space at the Park Hotel. I met Yoram several years ago when I was teaching workshops in Dubai. We met the first day of the first class and we clicked immediately. He’s one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. His personality is larger than life, his energy fills up the room and everyone who has ever met him or ever come into contact with him, will never forget him! Plus, he is an accomplished photographer himself and very proud of the diligence and passion he has thrown into his photography over the past 2 years. So to be invited by him is just so awesome! Another reason why I’m so excited about this show is that I have a lot of personal history in Amsterdam. It’s a city I have visited often and have had incredible experiences in. So to have a show there just really touches my heart.

The show is part of the events that kick off Fashion Week in Amsterdam. Holland has some of the world’s most famous fashion designers: Viktor and Rolf, Marlies DekkersAddy van den Krommenacker and Koos Van Den Akker to name just a few. I’m very excited to be a part of Amsterdam’s Fashion Week and to have my work shown at one of the biggest kick off gala’s of the year.

If you are in Amsterdam or live near it and want to come to the opening, RSVP HERE before the 28th of JUNE. And hopefully we’ll see you there!

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Samsung 3D television projection Beurs Amsterdam

02 Jan

AMSTERDAM – Promo Samsung 3D projection. The first 3D television by Samsung. Breaking down the ‘Beurs’ buidling in Amsterdam. (C)
Video Rating: 4 / 5