Exhibition of My Work in Amsterdam

01 Jul

Some of you might know that I have been traveling and shooting in Europe this past month. But most of you should know that on July 3rd, 2012 Park Hotel Amsterdam will hold an exhibition of some of my fashion work. It’s always an honor to have your work put up on a wall for people to come and see. But this is very close to my heart for many reasons. For one, my dear friend Yoram Roth is a very close friend and he invited me to show in his premier gallery space at the Park Hotel. I met Yoram several years ago when I was teaching workshops in Dubai. We met the first day of the first class and we clicked immediately. He’s one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. His personality is larger than life, his energy fills up the room and everyone who has ever met him or ever come into contact with him, will never forget him! Plus, he is an accomplished photographer himself and very proud of the diligence and passion he has thrown into his photography over the past 2 years. So to be invited by him is just so awesome! Another reason why I’m so excited about this show is that I have a lot of personal history in Amsterdam. It’s a city I have visited often and have had incredible experiences in. So to have a show there just really touches my heart.

The show is part of the events that kick off Fashion Week in Amsterdam. Holland has some of the world’s most famous fashion designers: Viktor and Rolf, Marlies DekkersAddy van den Krommenacker and Koos Van Den Akker to name just a few. I’m very excited to be a part of Amsterdam’s Fashion Week and to have my work shown at one of the biggest kick off gala’s of the year.

If you are in Amsterdam or live near it and want to come to the opening, RSVP HERE before the 28th of JUNE. And hopefully we’ll see you there!

Fashion Photography Blog – A Resource for Fashion Photographers, Created by One.

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