Posts Tagged ‘advanced’

Luminar Neo to Offer Advanced AI Photo Editing (and Debut This Winter)

17 Sep

The post Luminar Neo to Offer Advanced AI Photo Editing (and Debut This Winter) appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

Luminar Neo to debut this winter

Skylum has announced yet another eye-catching photo-editing program, Luminar Neo, billing the software as “a creative image editor driven by AI technologies of the future.”

As the company behind Luminar 4 and Luminar AI – programs that debuted innovative, AI-based tools such as AI Sky Replacement and Composition AI – Skylum is no stranger to success in the AI photo editing market. And Luminar Neo aims to improve upon the Skylum formula, offering amateur photographers an AI route to pro-level edits, along with higher-level control for advanced shooters.

Yet Luminar Neo isn’t a simple Luminar AI iteration. According to Skylum, Luminar Neo “is a quintessence of all [the company’s] applications released to date,” and “will retain almost all of Luminar AI’s features” but add “all-new, cutting-edge, AI-powered tools.” 

For current Luminar AI users wondering whether it makes sense to upgrade, Skylum spells out the difference between Luminar AI and Luminar Neo:

“Luminar AI is the easiest-to-use image editor fully powered by artificial intelligence for those who prefer a time-saving, Template-driven workflow for quick results…Luminar Neo is for those who want more editing options and more creative control.”

In other words, while anyone – including complete beginners – will feel at home in Luminar AI, the new Luminar Neo pushes in the direction of programs like Luminar 4 and Adobe Lightroom Classic, both offering a slew of tools for enthusiasts and pros alike.

Skylum has already teased a handful of new Luminar Neo tools, including a powerful photo relighting option, intelligent background switching, sensor dust removal, power line removal, and some form of AI masking, but we’ll have to wait to learn precisely how these features work and who they’re for.

Luminar Neo has no release date – the promotional materials merely claim a “winter” launch – though you can expect an announcement sometime in the next few months. An early December release would make sense, given the upcoming holiday season. And if you know you want Luminar Neo, you can preorder a one-time license for $ 54 USD.

So who should think about buying Luminar Neo? The new program should suit serious hobbyists all the way up through advanced amateurs (and potentially even pros). If you like the idea of creative AI effects but still want to be in control, Neo is likely a better pick than Luminar AI. On the other hand, if you’re looking for an ultra-easy, no-effort-necessary editor, Luminar AI is the better option.

Now over to you:

What do you think of Luminar Neo? Will you purchase it? Does it sound good? Bad? Are you disappointed? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

The post Luminar Neo to Offer Advanced AI Photo Editing (and Debut This Winter) appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

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Advanced Cash Bitcoin Erfarenheter

06 Jul

Att välja Advanced Cash Bitcoin de bästa kryptosystem som finns på marknaden är en mycket viktig aspekt av handeln. Om du inte är medveten om detta kan det sluta med att du förlorar mycket pengar i det långa loppet. Om du vill göra mest vinst på kortast möjliga tid måste du göra din hemläxa väl. Här är några av de grunder som du bör känna till innan du väljer de bästa mynten att handla på marknaden med.

Advanced Cash Bitcoin

En av de första sakerna du måste titta efter i de bästa valutorna som finns på marknaden är deras inflationsgrad. För att förstå detta måste du först förstå vad inflation är. Inflation är helt enkelt en ökning av priserna utan att varor och tjänster minskar. Till exempel är en enårig dollar värd mycket mer om några månader, eller hur? Så om du väljer att investera i de bästa råvarorna för det här århundradet vore det klokt att hålla utkik efter de valutor som enligt prognoserna kommer att uppleva den högsta inflationen under de kommande tio åren.

Ett annat grundläggande övervägande när det gäller att investera i de bästa valutorna är deras historik när det gäller handel och gruvdrift. Man kan inte bara välja vilket gammalt system som helst att investera i idag. Det finns hundratusentals valutor som handlas på marknaden och endast ett fåtal utvalda är lönsamma. Därför är det nödvändigt att du forskar väl om de olika systemen som finns tillgängliga för att veta vilket av de tillgängliga kryptosystemen som är det bästa att investera i.

Ett av de enklaste sätten att avgöra vilken av de bästa valutorna att investera i är genom att titta på den underliggande tillgångens egenskaper. Detta kallas tillgångens egenskaper och de är kända som Ripples. Låt oss ta en titt på två exempel på de bästa valutorna att investera i under det kommande decenniet. Den första typen av tillgång är aktier. Ett index som följer värdet av olika typer av företag kallas aktier. Så om vi tittar på de tio främsta valutorna som kommer att styra aktiemarknadens värde i framtiden är det troligt att dollarn kommer att fortsätta sin uppgång eftersom värdet på aktier i USA och Europa förväntas stiga.

Den andra typen av tillgångar är guld. Det finns en stor sannolikhet för att guldpriset kommer att stiga under det kommande decenniet. Om du håller på med handel och inte har teknisk kunskap om vilken av de bästa valutorna du ska investera i bör du prova de bästa kryptovalutorna som sannolikt kommer att öka i värde under detta årtionde. Bland de möjliga valutorna att investera i Advanced Cash Bitcoin finns euron, den japanska yenen, den australiska dollarn, schweiziska francen, den kanadensiska dollarn och det brittiska pundet. Var och en av dessa valutor har sina egna för- och nackdelar och du bör noggrant studera dem innan du investerar i dem.

Även om det är lätt att bli lockad av de dåliga nyheterna om att investera i kryptovalutor finns det ingen dålig investering när det gäller mynt. Anledningen till detta är att de flesta investerare som är nya i den här branschen slutar med att förlora sina pengar eftersom de inte har rätt kunskap om vilka av de bästa valutorna de ska investera i. Så när du letar efter de bästa valutorna att investera i är det viktigt att du blir bekant med alla dessa. Detta beror på att endast genom att bli en registrerad användare av en onlinehandelsplats kan du få tillgång till alla de bästa kryptovalutorna som finns tillgängliga i världen idag.

Det finns många fördelar som är förknippade med att investera i de bästa kryptokurvorna, bland annat det faktum att de handlas på den globala marknaden. Därför är det lätt att handla med de bästa valutorna och du kan också förvänta dig god avkastning. Att investera i de bästa valutorna kräver dock att du lär dig hur systemet fungerar, grunderna i ekonomi och företagsledning. Om du till exempel är en investerare som är ny på att investera på altcoin-marknaden, är det bättre om du får hjälp av professionella personer som experter och handlare.

Det finns många fördelar som du kan njuta av när du investerar i de bästa valutorna i världen. En av dessa är att när du väljer de bästa kryptosurferna kan du vara säker på att värdet på din investering alltid kommer att vara stabilt. Eftersom värdet på varje mynt varierar beroende på utbud och efterfrågan är det viktigt att du investerar i de bästa valutorna och sedan handlar med dem enligt dina behov. När värdet på en valuta fluktuerar kan du alltså enkelt sälja dina tillgångar och investera i de nya.

Det bästa sättet att investera i de bästa kryptosurfarna är att se till att du är välinformerad om de olika faktorer som påverkar värdet på ett visst mynt och du har också en expert som kan lära dig hur du väljer de bästa valutorna att investera i. När du vill göra vinster från handeln med den bästa kryptosurf bör du alltså se till att du utbildar dig om marknadens ekonomi och affärsmodeller. Här är nästa intressanta blogginlägg: Bitcoin Wallet Jazz Io i test.

The post Advanced Cash Bitcoin Erfarenheter first appeared on Hur man använder kryptovalutor på rätt sätt.

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lighting essentials advanced workshop – a brief review

06 Jun

For those not familiar, Lighting Essentials are a series of workshops put on by Don Giannatti (you may know him as “Wizwow” on flickr).   I am a big fan of Don, not only is he an excellent photographer, with years of commercial experience under his belt, but he is also a fantastic teacher – which is just as difficult a skill unto itself.  He’s also a really down to earth guy with a low tolerance for BS and fools, which I find refreshing, particularly in the online photo community which can often turn into a bit of a hive-mind circle-jerk at times (you know what I’m talking about)…

Anyway, I got to go to his workshop in Philly in ’08 and it was awesome – definitely kicked my work up a couple of notches.   At the time I was already somewhat experienced with lighting, so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was blown away; it was amazing to watch Don demonstrate things that I already “knew” lighting wise, and still be able to pick up something new – a new way of thinking about it, new ways of analyzing and constructing and deconstructing light.

A few weeks back, I had the opportunity to attend the advanced lighting essentials ‘shop down in Baltimore.  Different than the standard workshop, this one assumed a baseline familiarity with lighting to begin with – getting a baseline exposure, balatncing flash/ambient, ratios etc… This was fantastic, as we were able to jump right into working with little “catch up” required.  The format was well done. Don split us up into groups, with various assignments/challenges – in the morning we worked “in studio” talking about and working on precision lighting techniques for still life/objects.  I gained a whole new respect for product photographers – it’s a lot more difficult than you’d think.  One light, and lots of carefully placed white/black cards/diffusers etc…  I particularly appreciated this as it  really made you focus on analyzing and constructing light carefully rather than the “throw some strobes on it till it looks good” approach which many lighting novices seem to take.

In the afternoons we worked with models,  but instead of the standard “how to light/balance” we focused more on creating a mood or complex lighting schemes – sometimes using 4, 5 or more lights – little accents and subtleties to construct a meaningful lighting scheme.   Now I tend to be more minimalist in terms of my own lighting (I tend to favor zero, one or two lights – rarely more) but even so it was valuable to concentrate on the subtleties of the lighting scheme as a whole.

One of the things I like the best about Don’s workshops is that it’s all hands-on.  There’s no “sit around and listen to the instructor talk about how great he is” for 6 hours, as is the case with many “workshops” – Don has everyone jumping right in and shooting right off the bat.  It’s simply “talk about technique -> apply technique”.   Good stuff.   We also spent quite a bit of time talking business.  Don has been a full time photographer as well as designer and creative director for many years, so he has a fantastic amount of the experience in the industry and shares freely.  There are few things more valuable for a new photographer than the lessons of experience from someone who has “been there and done that”.   It’s like going through the school of hard knocks without having to take the knocks.

To sum up, aka the TL;DR version:  if you get a chance to attend one of Don’s workshops, go for it – it’s worth every penny.  What boggles my mind is that folks who will drop thousands on a new camera body or lens, are so hesitant to spend money on education or workshops.  I can say without reservation that the couple of hundred bucks for the LE workshops improved my work far more than any gear purchase I have made (and yeah, I’m also guilty of chasing the latest and greatest toys when it comes to gear).

finally some shots from the ‘shop:

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Canon confirms the EOS R5 will capture internal 8K/30p video, offer ‘advanced animal AF’

14 Mar

In an uncharacteristic move, Canon Australia has published a press release revealing a number of new details pertaining to the specifications of its upcoming EOS R5 mirrorless camera, in what appears to be an effort to quiet the ongoing speculation regarding what ‘8K’ capabilities the camera will offer. Spoiler alert: Canon’s video-limiting days may be over.

Canon confirms in the press release the EOS R5 will offer 8K internal video recording using the full width of the sensor at up to 30 frames per second (fps). In addition to no crop shooting, Canon notes all 8k modes for the EOS R5 will support Canon’s Dual Pixel CMOS AF technology.

Canon also says the R5 will support ‘advanced animal AF – recognising dogs, cats and birds, relying not only on the eyes of the animal but also the face and body for situations when the eyes are not visible.’

Historically, Canon has been suspected to limit the video capabilities of its non-cinema camera products in order to minimize cannibalization, a name given to the problem of losing sales within a company’s own product lineup by putting what’s considered premium features and capabilities in lower-cost products.

These new details don’t confirm Canon has taken an entirely altruistic approach to its EOS R camera development, but it does show Canon is getting serious about video in its mirrorless lineup and is determined to make a statement in the market compared to the likes of the Sony’s a7 III and Nikon’s Z7, two full-frame mirrorless cameras that have, until now, been above and beyond what Canon has offered with its EOS R and RP mirrorless cameras.

Sydney, AUSTRALIA, 13th March 2020: Canon INC has today released further development specifications for its recently announced Canon EOS R5, the next-generation full-frame interchangeable lens camera in the company’s EOS R System. These additional details come exactly one month since Canon released the development announcement of the EOS R5 and shut down speculation that some of its revolutionary specifications are ‘a fantasy’.

Signalling a new phase of Canon 5-Series imaging and a revolution in the mirrorless full camera category, Canon’s EOS R5 will offer every photographer – not just professionals – access to high-quality imaging, cutting-edge 8K movie recording, new approaches to in-body image stabilisation, and revolutionary subject detection and tracking performance features.

New possibilities for movie performance
Unleashing new possibilities, Canon Inc. confirms the EOS R5’s video capabilities will exceed that of competing cameras on the market1. With its ability to internally record 8K using the full width of the sensor at up to 30p, the latest Canon EOS R camera is set to redefine mirrorless with its market-leading features. In addition, in all 8K modes the EOS R5 will support Canon’s renowned Dual Pixel CMOS AF.

A beast for subject detection and tracking performance for animals and people
Canon Inc. also confirms the EOS R5 supports advanced animal AF – recognising dogs, cats and birds, relying not only on the eyes of the animal but also the face and body for situations when the eyes are not visible.

Jason McLean, Director – Consumer Imaging & Services, Canon Australia, said: “Our EOS 5-Series was developed fifteen years ago to make full-frame cameras accessible to consumers, not just professional shooters. Today, that purpose remains steadfast as we continue achieving the ‘impossible’ to deliver the hybrid needs of content creators who are demanding uncompromised performance to generate more still and motion visual content than ever before.”

“With its game changing 8K movie capabilities, new approaches to image stabilisation, revolutionary subject detection, and compatibility with Canon’s full suite of EF2 and RF lenses, the EOS R5 represents a category revolution as opposed to product evolution in the interchangeable-lens camera market.”

The EOS R5 specifications previously confirmed by Canon include:
• The EOS R5 offers a step-change in performance with an incredible 12fps using the mechanical shutter and the electronic shutter offering 20fps
• The EOS R5 takes Canon’s cutting-edge image stabilisation technology to the next level, by including a newly Canon-developed, in-camera image stabilisation system – which works in combination with the lens stabilisation system
• With content delivery just as important as image and video capture, the EOS R5 supports automatic transfer of image files from the device to the cloud platform3
• The highly anticipated EOS R5 will feature dual card slots
• Upon launch, the Canon EOS R5 will also be supported by Canon Australia’s 5-year warranty when purchased from an authorised local dealer4.

To stay up to date with the latest news and information regarding the EOS R5, register here:

1 As of 13th March 2020
2 When used with Canon’s EF-Series lens mount
3 Automatic file transferring, available for cameras equipped with the automatic file transfer function, beginning with the currently-in-development EOS R5 (announced on 13 February 2020), requires users to connect the camera to a Wi-Fi access point that has been registered in advance
4 For full details on Canon Australia’s 5 year warranty, visit

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Canon’s annual results show a rough 2019, but tease ‘advanced’ mirrorless camera, lenses for 2020

31 Jan

Canon has published its 2019 fiscal year financial results and presentation. In the documents, Canon highlights how the company has done, shedding light on what we can expect in the coming year, both fiscally and on the development front.

On the financial front, Canon’s Imaging System division recorded net sales of 807.4B yen and a net operating profit of 48.2B yen a decrease of 16.8 percent and 62 percent, respectively, year-over-year. Canon anticipated a dramatic drop-off in both net sales and operating profit, due to ‘market contraction and the intensely competitive environment,’ but the final results are still slightly worse than expected at 14.6B yen and 2.6B yen lower than Canon’s projections as of last quarter.

Echoing CIPA data, Canon notes the interchangeable-lens camera market shrank 15 percent, with entry-level models being the most impacted due to the increasing capabilities and popularity of smartphones. Canon also recognized its own shortcomings, with a note in the presentation saying:

‘Although we have launched two full-frame mirrorless cameras as well as ten dedicated lenses, our lineup is still insufficient.’

Looking forward, Canon remains realistic, saying it ‘expect[s] camera revenue to decline due to the impact of continuing market contraction,’ but feels confident it will ‘put a stop to the decline in profitability, by further enhancing our mirrorless lineup with an advanced feature full-frame model and lenses, and by accelerating review of our business structure.’

Specifically, Canon makes it very clear that it’s working on more advanced mirrorless cameras, saying:

‘In order to recover from our late entry into the mirrorless camera market, we have plans to launch a model that incorporates a newly developed image sensor and image-processing engine that offer even more advanced features. We will work to raise our presence in the mirrorless camera category, leveraging large trade exhibitions around the world. Even amid increasing competition, we will expand sales of higher-end models driven by new products and aim for top market share even in the mirrorless camera market.’

Canon is projecting its net sales and operating profit for the 2020 fiscal year will be 787B yen and 53.7B yen, respectively, which would equate to a 2.5 percent decrease in net sales and an 11.5 percent increase in operating profit, year-over-year. In addition to offering more ‘advance feature full-frame’ mirrorless cameras and RF lenses, Canon’s projected increase in profitability will also likely be helped with fabrication costs now that it appears to have its mirrorless manufacturing facilities up and running.

Canon’s sentiments expressed in the presentation further lend credibility to the ongoing rumors about its forthcoming mirrorless cameras, but certainly fall short of telling the whole story, which we will only find out with time.

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Adobe Lightroom for iOS, iPadOS gets direct import, advanced export and more

11 Dec

Adobe has released its December updates for Camera Raw, Lightroom Classic, as well as Lightroom for Windows macOS, Android, ChromeOS, iOS and iPad OS. The updates aren’t dramatic for the desktop versions of software, but Lightroom for iOS and iPadOS do add a few very welcomed features.

Lightroom for iOS and iPadOS now has the ability to import images directly from memory card and external storage. Thanks to updates in iOS 13.2 and iPadOS 13.2, Lightroom is now able to bypass the iOS camera roll and import Raw and JPEG photos into Lightroom using a Lightning or USB-C adapter, depending on the model of iPad you have.

The new direct import feature negates the need to duplicate files by first importing images into the iOS Camera Roll.

In addition to direct import, Lightroom for iOS and iPadOS now offers advanced exporting options. Released in November for Android and ChromeOS, iOS and iPadOS now have complete control over the format (DNG, JPEG, TIF), metadata, watermarking, file naming, output sharpening and color space information. While not everyone needs this level of control, having these options on the mobile version of Lightroom is a welcomed addition to bring it more in line with its desktop counterpart.

Adobe has also improved the shared albums feature in Lightroom for Windows, macOS, Android, ChromeOS and iOS. No, you can add photos to your shared albums from any platform you can access Lightroom on: web, desktop and mobile, even with the free version of Lightroom.

You can find more information about these updates on Adobe’s blog post. The updates should be available today in the Creative Cloud app for desktop versions of Lightroom and the respective app stores for the mobile versions of Lightroom.

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VSCO acquires Rylo for its advanced mobile video editing software

11 Dec

VSCO, the company behind the popular photo editing app by the same name, has announced its acquisition of Rylo, a company known for its compact camera and advanced video stabilization technology. VSCO explains that the use of video editing has doubled on its platform over the past year, underscoring the growing demand for video tools. The newly announced acquisition will give the company access to Rylo’s video editing software.

According to Rylo’s founders Chris Cunningham and Alex Karpenko, their company will shift its focus entirely to software, leaving the physical camera aspect behind. The Rylo app will be available to download on mobile and macOS until January 31, 2021, and the Rylo camera will remain available to purchase from Best Buy until the units are sold out. The Rylo camera and app will remain available to use following the acquisition.

‘Building high-end video editing capability on mobile is no small feat and we believe our combined technology and focus on video will help pave new innovation for video editing tools,’ VSCO CEO Joel Flory said as part of the company’s announcement. ‘We can’t wait to make these new tools available to the VSCO community next year.’

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Panasonic S1 firmware update delivers advanced video features

01 Jun

Panasonic has announced an upcoming firmware upgrade for its Lumix DC-S1 full-frame mirrorless camera. Officially referred to as DMW-SFU2, the upgrade adds a number of high-end video features and capabilities, many of which are similar to those found in the company’s GH5 series of cameras, which have often been class-leading when it comes to video.

Most prominent is the addition of Panasonic’s V-Log gamma profile, which promises to deliver 14+ stops of dynamic range. Notably, this is not the truncated V-Log L profile found on the GH-series, which capture a bit less dynamic range due to their smaller sensors. Rather, it’s the same gamma profile used by the company’s VariCam cinema cameras, which should allow the S1 to deliver the same look as VariCam models using the same V-Gamut color space.

Additionally, the upgrade adds 4:2:2 10-bit 4K/30p internal recording, 4:2:2 10-bit 4K/60p recording using an external recorder via HDMI, and 48 kHz/24-bit or 96 kHz/24-bit audio when used with Panasonic’s DMW-XLR1 adapter.

Videographers will be excited to hear that Panasonic is also adding very useful tools like a waveform monitor and in-camera LUTs, which can be used when shooting in V-Log to approximate the look of graded output.

Who should consider this upgrade? If you’re primarily a stills-shooter, or even a video-shooter who mostly shoots casually, it’s possible that none of these new features will be important to you. However, if you’re a serious video shooter who understands the advantages of Log video, or who needs to match footage with other pro video cameras from Panasonic, this is probably an upgrade you’ll want to consider.

The DMW-SFU2 software key will be available in July at a cost of $ 199 in the US, €199 in Europe and £179 in the UK. Panasonic US says the update will be made available free to any existing S1 owners that have registered their camera, and for anyone who buys an S1 before July 31st. In Europe (including the UK) the offer runs until the end of September.

Panasonic to Release the Upgrade Firmware Key DMW-SFU2 for LUMIX S1 in July 2019 to Expand Its Video Performance

Newark, NJ (May 31, 2019) – Panasonic has announced that the company will release an Upgrade Firmware Key DMW-SFU2 for the full-frame mirrorless camera LUMIX S1 in July 2019. This paid software program will further expand the video performance of the LUMIX S1 for advanced video recording. As announced separately, the new LUMIX S1H features 14+ stops of full V-Log, which is equivalent to the V-Log of high-end cinema cameras such as the Cinema VariCam. The user can experience the 14+ stops of V-Log on the LUMIX S1 with the firmware update program provided by the Upgrade Software Key DMW-SFU2, prior to the release of the LUMIX S1H.

Functions available with the upgrade program are as follows.

  • 14+ stops of V-Log recording
  • World’s first 4:2:2 10-bit 4K MOV 30p/25p*1 internal video recording*2
  • World’s first 4:2:2 10-bit 4K 60p/50p*1 HDMI output*2
  • V-Log and V-Gamut compatible with Cinema VariCam Look
  • In-camera LUT (Look Up Table) application enabling playback of V-Log while or after recording (LUT Display with Custom Function)
  • A WFM (Waveform Monitor) displays brightness level while recording
  • High-res 48-kHz/24-bit or 96-kHz/24-bit sound can be recorded in MOV using the XLR Microphone Adaptor DMW-XLR1

The Upgrade Software Key DMW-SFU2 will go on sale in July 2019.

*1 PAL area only

*2 For a full-frame digital still camera as of May 31, 2019.

Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.

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Moza Mini-S 3-axis gimbal smartphone stabilizer revealed with advanced shooting modes

11 Jan

During CES 2019, Moza revealed Mini-S, a new compact, highly portable handheld 3-axis gimbal stabilizer designed for smartphones measuring 55mm to 88mm wide. The stabilizer can be extended up to 17.2in / 43.6cm and folded into a compact 5.12 x 2.68 x 7.68in / 13 x 6.8 x 19.5cm form-factor when not in use.

Though designed exclusively for smartphones, the Moza Mini-S packs several advanced features, including numerous physical controls, support for vertical and horizontal orientations, multiple follow modes, and object tracking.

The stabilizer’s base, which has a 10-degree tilt for ergonomic reasons, includes a 1/4-20″ port and a removable miniature tripod. Physical controls include a joystick, dedicated playback and Inception Mode buttons, focus control, one-button zoom, and a recording button. The internal 2200mAh battery provides 8 hours of use per charge.

The Mini-S stabilizer’s shooting modes include support for tracking objects, time-lapse, a Vertigo Mode zooming effect, and an Inception Mode that imitates the world rotation seen in the movie Inception. When paired with the Moza Genie mobile app, the phone displays a mixture of controls and camera settings for enhanced usability.

Pricing and availability haven’t been revealed yet, though News Shooter reports that Moza expects to start shipping in March.

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Photopea online image editor is a free Photoshop clone with advanced tools

09 Nov

Programmer Ivan Kutskir of the Czech Republic has created an online-based Photoshop clone called Photopea. The web app was created solely by Kutskir in his free time during college, according to a Reddit AMA the developer held on Wednesday. Photopea features a Photoshop-like interface and is supported by advertisements.

The Photoshop clone offers a wide variety of image editing tools, including advanced features like spot healing, a clone stamp healing brush, and a patch tool. The software supports layers, masks, smart objects, layer styles, filters, vector shapes and masks, and more. A full rundown of Photopea’s tools is available on the app’s website, as well as tutorials for select basic activities.

Photopea took more than 7,000 hours of work, according to Kutskir’s Reddit post. The web app had 1.5 million visitors in October and offers a premium subscription for customers who want to support the product. Free usage includes PSD importing and exporting, as well as access to the editing tools. The premium version includes those features, eliminates the advertisements, and helps support the developer.

A single-user premium subscription is $ 9/month or $ 20 for 90 days. The developer also offers team and distributor options. Photopea joins other free photo editing programs, including the web app Pixlr Editor and desktop application GIMP.

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