Photoshop: Darkening bright tones |

28 Oct

This specific tutorial is a single movie from chapter two of the Photoshop CS3 Portrait Retouching Essentials course presented by author Chris Orwig. Watch more at The complete course has a total duration of 10 hours and 19 minutes. Photoshop CS3 Portrait Retouching Essentials table of contents: Introduction 1. Retouching Roadmap 2. Correcting Color and Tone 3. Cleaning Up Images in Camera Raw 4. Cleaning Up Images in Photoshop 5. Structural Image Enhancements 6. Reducing and Removing Wrinkles 7. Enhancing Eyes 8. Enhancing Eyelashes and Eyebrows 9. Improving Hair 10. Improving Faces and Bodies 11. Fixing Teeth 12. Improving Makeup 13. Enhancing Skin 14. Softening Skin Conclusion
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