Glacier Point Star Trails, Yosemite

30 Jul

One of the more majestic locations to view Half Dome and the eastern portion of Yosemite valley is from Glacier Point. The photo below was taken from sunset to late at night under moonlight transforming this amazing view into what you see.

Glacier Point Star Trails, Yosemite National Park

If you’re interested in star trail photography I’m discounting my Mastering Star Trail Photography Video course starting today by 35%. This discount is only good for the remainder of July. The video course includes 6 hours of instructional video plus a free copy of my popular eBook Photographing the 4th Dimension — Time

Download the video course + ebook and save 35%
Use the discount code: IESTARS
Note: Discount good through July 31st

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Glacier Point Star Trails, Yosemite

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