Anaglyph Video of Frozen Plant

12 Jun

Red-blue (or green) glasses are necessary to view this video properly. This is the anaglyph version of the video at: There is no sound with this video. You will need red-blue (or green) glasses to view. This is an example of using color keying to digitally clear plant tissue and allow visualization of internal structures in 3D. For another example see Arabidopisis flower in 3d at: . The technique is ideally suited for in situ hybridization analysis to detect mRNA in an anatomical context This is not a cartoon. This 3D volume was reconstructed from JPEG photographs of individual slices of plant tissue stained with Safranin and Fast Green. Photos were taken with a consumer-grade camera (Sony DSC707) mounted on a Nikon Eclipse 50i microscope using a 4X plan apo objective. JPEG images were imported into Adobe After Effects where they were aligned and the 3D volume was constructed. The full HD version is ½ the full resolution available. When the technology catches up, we will re-post at higher than 1080. Distortion-free sections were prepared by Research Associate Tan Tuong. Graphic consulting was provided by Randy Gelman, BeltlineMedia, For more information see Livingston et al 2010. 3D volumes constructed from pixel-based images by digitally clearing plant and animal tissue. Journal of Microscopy. PDF was on my website at but video embedded in PDF did not work. Will post soon. Contact: David Livingston
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