Moonbow Inspired Giveaway Winner is…

18 Aug

I wanted to thank everyone for taking part in the Moonbow Inspired Giveaway. I’m happy to announce that the winner was John Sweeney.  Have fun with the ThinkTank Hydrophobia SLR rain/dust cover John.

Again thanks to ThinkTank (my affiliate store link) for their great gear and generosity. Also be sure to follow them on Twitter at @thinktankphoto and on Facebook.

Lunar Rainbow (Moonbow) at Lower Yosemite Falls, Yosemite National Park

Lunar Rainbow (Moonbow) at Lower Yosemite Falls, Yosemite National Park

Technorati Tags: photography, Yosemite, Moonbow, Lunar Rainbow, landscape, nature, stock photo, stock picture, giveaway, ThinkTank

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Moonbow Inspired Giveaway Winner is…

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JMG-Galleries – Jim M. Goldstein Photography

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