Designers Guide to Photoshop – Photo Compositing

07 Jul

In this free chapter form “Designers Guide to Photoshop”, Sue Jenkins teaches you her method for compositing photos together to create a single image. This training is perfect for the visual designer looking to make the leap into Photoshop’s tools for print, video and web-based projects. Additionally, you’ll get a glimpse at using 3D objects inside Photoshop. Adobe Certified Expert, Sue Jenkins, will be your guide in this five part tutorial. Section 1: Photoshop Overview 01. Workspace overview 02. Selection Tools 03. Transformation Tools 04. Paint Tools 05. Layers Panel 06. Retouching Tools 07. History and Actions Panel 08. Text Tools 09. Pen Tool 10. Special Effect with Layer Styles 11. Making Adjustments 12. Special Techniques 13. Automated Tasks Section 2: Photoshop for Print 01. Photo Compositing 02. Photo Restoration 03. Photo Retouching 04. Creating a Promotional Card 05. Print Layout Section 3: Photoshop for Web 01. Web Layouts 02. Optimizing Graphics for the Web 03. Animation Palette Section 4: Photoshop for Video 01. Basic Video Practices 02. Creating a Bug 03. Creating an Animated Lower 3rd 04. Rotoscoping Section 5: Photoshop for 3D 01. 3D in Photoshop Approx. Time: 7hrs, 48min
Video Rating: 3 / 5


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