Canon issues ‘media alert’ clarifying overheating concerns of its EOS R5, R6 cameras

15 Jul

This morning, Canon sent out a ‘media alert’ to press to clarify overheating concerns regarding its new EOS R5 and R6 cameras. In it, Canon reiterates estimated shooting time limits, explains why it opted to add an internal fan and shares a few tips on how to keep the heat down when shooting 4K and 8K video.

Canon starts off the notice laying out the steps it’s taken to ‘manage the potential for overheating’ in its EOS R5 and EOS R6 camera. Two bullet points in the notice read:

  • Magnesium alloy was used in the body to dissipate heat away from internal components
  • An “overheat control” function [is included] to reduce heat generation when the camera is in standby.

Canon addresses the lack of a fan — such as the one found on Panasonic’s S1H camera — saying it decided to not include a fan within the body of the camera to maintain the ‘compact size, lightweight construction and weather resistance’ of the EOS R5 and EOS R6.

Both the EOS R5 and EOS R6 will display an estimated time it expects to be able to record based on the recording mode and current camera temperature, but in addition to the on-camera information, Canon has also shared a more detailed breakdown of roughly how much time you can expect both cameras to be able to record based on resolution, frame rate and shooting mode (click for full resolution):

Canon has also shared a small chart showing the estimated time you can expect to wait before recording after the camera overheats:

As for what you can do to help minimize the time it takes for the EOS R5 and EOS R6 to overheat, Canon shared the following bullet list:

Set Overheat Control function to “ON” (default). When the overheat control function is enabled, the movie size and frame rate are automatically changed while the camera is in standby mode to suppress the rise of the internal temperature Between recordings, it is recommended to turn off the camera Position the camera out of direct sunlight Use an external fan to dissipate heat

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