Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 – Change Default AutoRecover and Presentation File Locations

20 May

Change the default directory where PowerPoint 2010 presentations are saved as well as where AutoRecover files are kept.

By default, as with other Office 2010 applications, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 defaults to the user Documents directory to save presentations. AutoRecover files, useful if PowerPoint 2010 or your system crashes before a document is saved, are placed in the user’s AppData directory. For example, on standard Windows 7 installations, documents default to the C:\ Users\ YOUR_USER_NAME\ Documents folder, and AutoRecover files are stored at C:\ Users\ YOUR_USER_NAME\ AppData\ Roaming\ Microsoft\ PowerPoint.

If you have multiple hard drives and/or partitions, you may have one designated to keep data files and documents separate from programs and your operating system. Thus, moving these default locations to the other hard drive or partition might prove quite useful. And here’s how to do so:…

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