3 July, 2010 – LuLa Gallery in Toronto Closing & Print Sale

24 Aug

The Luminous Landscape Gallery is closing as of July, 2010. It’s been a fun three years since it opened, and I thank everyone who visited for your interest and support.

The gallery has served primarily as a teaching space and print studio. It also has functioned as a gallery whenever I was working there and in town, but given my travel commitments this hasn’t been often enough to justify keeping it open.

On next Saturday, July 10, 2010, from 11am until 3pm I will be having a print sale. This will consist of approximately 30 large matted and framed prints that are currently on display on the gallery walls, as well as a number of large format unmatted and unframed prints.

For those that are interested, I will be continuing my print studio and teaching activities out of my new studio space near Creemore, Ontario. Details to be announced. I may also have gallery shows from time to time at other Toronto area galleries, as I would in the days prior to my Carlaw gallery.

The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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