What would you want from a full frame Canon or Nikon mirrorless camera?

26 Jul

Nikon has finally confirmed the age-old rumor that its going to make a full frame mirrorless camera. It’s widely assumed Canon plans to do the same. But what are the things they need to get right?

We’re way beyond the point where the ‘mirrorless or DSLR’ question simply depends on whether size or autofocus is more important to you. But what are the other aspects of camera design and behavior that need to be in place for a camera to work for your photography?

We’d love to hear what you think, so please pick what would be the three most important factors for you. These needn’t be the things that would make you switch, just the things that they’d need to deliver, to make it even worth considering.

Or, if we’ve missed anything, mention it in the comments.

Have your say

$ (document).ready(function() { Poll({“pollId”:”5717924829″,”openForVoting”:true,”mainElementId”:”poll0″,”slot”:null,”isSingleChoicePoll”:false,”minNumberOfChoices”:1,”maxNumberOfChoices”:3}); })

What are the most important things you'd want from a Canon or Nikon mirrorless camera?
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High resolution sensor

High speed shooting

Good quality video

Sports-ready AF system

Easy-to-use AF system

Lifelike viewfinder

Responsive controls and menus

Configurable controls/interface

Pro video features such as waveforms / 10-bit capture

Small, affordable primes

Fast primes

Tele zooms

Full compatibility / full performance with existing lenses


Compact size

Substantial grip

Good battery life

16-bit Raw

Top plate settings display

Dual card slots

Effective weather sealing

In-body stabilization

Voting is easy – you pick your favorite products by dragging and dropping. You can pick up to three, and rank them in order of priority.

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