10 September, 2010 – The Leica M8 and Infra-Red Photography

30 Oct

If you were paying attention a few years ago (and maybe even if you weren’t) it was hard to not have heard about the Leica M8’s excessive infra-red sensitivity. Owners were provided with free IR blocking filters by Leica, and that was about that – with the subsequent Leica M9 pretty much relegating the issue to a historical footnote.

But there are some people who enjoy actually doing infra-red photography, and one of them is Harold M. Merklinger, a scientist, author and a regular contributor to this site. His newest tutorial, The Leica M8 and Infra-Red Photography is now online.


"Awesome video presentation.
I have learnt so much more after looking through this on the weekend.  The tip about pushing blacks and fill light in the Basic Module was worth the price alone.  My images of a recent trip to the Australian Outback are popping and punching with delight!
Thanks Michael and Jeff – I really appreciate you taking the considerable time to share your in-depth knowledge and insights."

The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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