21 August, 2010 – Five New Lightroom 3 Video Tutorials Added

26 Aug

We have just made available five new videos to our new Lightroom 3 Video Tutorial in Zip files 20, 21 & 22.

This is the final hour on the Develop Module.

– Lens Correction
– Effects
– Camera Calibration
– Spot Removal
– Sync & Auto-Sync

If you’ve already purchased our LR3 tutorial, just log onto your account on the LuLa Store and download them.

BUT FIRSTPlease Read the New Table of Contents PDF.


"These tutorials have made my understanding of much of the digital world so much easier.
It is far easier to watch these two experts and learn than trying to understand from some of the ‘encyclopedias’ that are on the market, and at a price that is excellent value for money."


The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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