Starting 2015/16 Winter Paddling Season on South Platte River

16 Nov
A middle of November. It’s time to start my winter paddling season. Of course, Horsetooth and other local lakes in Fort Collins are still open, so I can continue my summer style paddling. Nevertheless, I took the Sea Wind canoe, Pixel (aka water Corgi) and went for the first fall/winter paddling on the South Platte River.

We went to Masters and started to paddling upstream. However the dam just above Master bridge was closed and diverting water to Jackson Reservoir, so we paddled a couple miles downriver instead. Beautiful weather and a good flow of ~900cfs @ Weldona. Actually, I spent more time photographing than paddling.

I am hoping to do more paddling on different sections of the South Platte River during the incoming winter season and, finally, update my river guide. Would you like to join me? The South Platte with a typical winter flow is just a wading river and suitable for safe paddling with any boat – kayak, canoe or SUP. Well, a paddleboard would require some experience and a short fin due to possible shallows. I don’t think that you need to dress for immersion, but I always take extra clothes for change.

I am still sorting my blogs after migrating to a new server. If you encounter any problem or missing links please let me know.

aerial view of eastern Colorado landscape with South Platte River,  water channels, reservoirs and irrigated farmland

South Platte River in eastern Colorado below Masters with Jackson Reservoir ditch, looking downstream

aerial view of South Platte River in eastern Colorado with a canoe on sandbar, fall scenery

Looking down from Phantom 3 drone. Can you see the Sea Wind canoe, me and Pixel?

aerial view of expedition decked canoe on a sandbar, South Platte River in eastern Colorado

Let’s look a little closer

river sandbar texture and pattern - South Platte RIver in eastern Colorado

and, even closer

South Platte River in eastern Colorado between Greeley and Fort Morgan, a typical fall or winter scenery

A typical fall or winter scenery on the South Platte lit by the low setting sun

paddling with a camera

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