Skin Shading Tutorial Part 2

30 Aug

IMVU Skin Tutorial part 2. 🙂 And Yes It ends weird but I had to shorten the video 😛
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Grad filters are great tools for enhancing scenes. Color can change mood and variations such as diffusion and masking can potentially alter the meaning of a shot. This three-second scene is shown in its original colors first, followed by six variations that were generated using a custom Action in Photoshop Extended, the version of Photoshop that works on motion files. The Action lets you control the spread of the grad filter effect, then allows you to tune color, diffusion, contrast, fog and other qualities interactively for custom results. Look carefully, the second grad effect has distant clouds that are hand-painted onto the grad layer, and the last variation has manually eliminated the grad effect from the shoreline subject. Why do a grad filter effect in post-production processes? Control. If you shoot a scene using a glass or polycarbonate grad filter, you run into the “law of the haircut.” Meaning that you’re stuck with it. The Action allows you to customize the grad filtered area quickly and easily including hand-retouching like this in mere seconds. More about this and a bunch of other HDSLR topics in the interactive eBook. The Photoshop Extended iNovaFX Action is included inside the eBook “HDSLR the billion things you need…” eBook. More about this can be found by poking around at and
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