Commuter Olympics: Indoor Running Tracks Link Japanese Airport

13 Apr

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Guerilla Ads & Marketing. ]

japanese airport terminal tracks

Combining a novel form of wayfinding with a nod to the upcoming 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, this new airport terminal trades moving walkways for a color-coded circuit of racetrack paths.

japan indoor running track

japan domestic international terminal

The airport extension to Narita International anticipates the additional capacity needed in a few years for the upcoming event but also reflects a limited budget for expansion, together driving a design that needs no illuminated signs and skips people-moving devices.

japan walking running

japan olympics promotion

japan wayfinding system

Blue leads to departures and red takes people to arrivals – a simple scheme but easily visible when set against the more monotone surrounding interiors. The collaborative project featured contributions by PARTY with consultants from Nikken (photography by Kenta Hasegawa).

japan airport furniture

japan blue red departures

japan race track path

Of course, we all know the experience of being late for takeoff – beyond its aesthetics, it could indeed prove quite useful to have fast and slow lanes during busy times and for those whose commutes demand they make their plane in time.

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