The Instax Wide 300, Big Bold Prints Instantly

12 Jan

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

Your bright smile and flashy style means making friends is easy, but you need a camera that can keep up.

Introduce your crew to the Instax Wide 300, a smart and classy cam ready to snap pics anytime and share real prints instantly!

Whether you’re out on an adventure, meeting new friends, or throwing a big ol’ party, the Instax Wide 300 will capture the moment and give you instant memories to print.

Easily load your camera with film, adjust lighting on the fly, snap pics, print and share!

With this fun new instant camera in tow, you’ll just need to make sure that you can keep up.

Imagine the Print-abilities
$ 129 at the Photojojo Shop

© Britta for Photojojo, 2015. |
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