Park(ing) Day 2014: Citizens Reclaim the Streets for Fun

25 Sep

[ By Steph in Destinations & Sights & Travel. ]

Parking Day Dallas 4

On September 19th, 2014, residents of cities around the world rushed into the streets to reclaim what is rightfully theirs, taking urban spaces back for their own enjoyment. Well, sort of. Park(ing) Day is an annual event that encourages temporarily converting public parking spaces into parks, playgrounds, venues and other recreational spaces, and it’s usually officially sanctioned by the cities in which it’s held. Here’s how a dozen cities around the world celebrated, from Quito, Ecuador to Dublin, Ireland.

Sydney, Australia
Parking Day Sydney 1

Parking Day Sydney

Oversized benches double as chalkboards in Sydney, along with more conventional park setups.

Paris, France
Parking Day France 1

Parking Day France 2

In the cities of Paris and Nancy, France, Park(ing) Day participants played video games in makeshift living rooms, displayed their art, and created iconic Parisian cafes (in the street rather than the sidewalk.)

Dublin, Ireland
Parking Day Dublin 1

Parking Day Dublin 2

Literal garden beds, gay pride displays and a beautiful turf-covered sculptural bench made appearances in Dublin.

Montreal, Canada
Parking Day Montreal 2

Parking Day Montreal 1

Parking Day Montreal 3

Puppet show or game of croquet, anyone?

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Parking Day 2014 Citizens Reclaim The Streets For Fun

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[ By Steph in Destinations & Sights & Travel. ]

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