The Winner of $1000 from our Essential Guide to Black and White Photography eBook Competition is….

23 Sep

NewImageRecently we launched our Essential Guide to Black and White Photography. As part of the launch we put everyone who purchased a copy into the draw to win $ 1000 in camera gear.

The winner of this competition is…. Yves Wepadjuie!

Congratulations Yves – we’ve just emailed you with details of how we’ll get you your prize and can’t wait to see what you buy!

Thanks everyone else for picking up a copy of the Essential Guide to Black and White Photography – the eBook has received some amazing feedback and we appreciate you supporting dPS with your purchase – the sale of our eBooks is how we are able to keep producing 14 free tutorials each week here on the blog!

Our Next eBook is Just Around the Corner

For those looking forward to our next eBook – you don’t have to wait too long! We’ve got another exciting one for you very soon from our best selling author – Gina Milicia!

The post The Winner of $ 1000 from our Essential Guide to Black and White Photography eBook Competition is…. by Darren Rowse appeared first on Digital Photography School.

Digital Photography School

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