You’ll Jump for the 2-in-1 Backup Battery and Power Cord

29 Jul

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

Your daily caffeine break is at 2pm sharp. Your phone seems to need a power boost, every time you want to shoot just a few more pix.

Since phones don’t seem to have a taste for coffee, grab a Jump Cable, a tangle free charge cord and backup battery in one.

The Jump Cable charges your phone from its backup battery, or any USB port. When you use a wall outlet or computer to charge you phone (like you already do daily) it fills up its battery at the same time.

Tuck this tiny, snack size cord pack into your pocket when you’re on the move for an extra zap of battery life when your phone decides it’s time to snooze.

Never mess with your tangly and boring old charge cable again! The Jump Cable is all you need to power through the day and night … other than coffee, of course.

Get a Bite Sized Battery Jump
$ 49 at the Photojojo Shop

© Britta for Photojojo, 2014. |
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