Time-Traveling Trams: 30,000 LED Lights Vanish Street Trains

04 Jul

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

seasonal time traveling tram

Extended exposure photography combined with a unique art installation project creates an incredible time lapse illusion on the streets of Budapest, making train cars appear to disappear in a burst of light.

seasonal christmas tram lights

seasonal time lapse art

Started for Christmas 2009, this is a project of a regional transport company since captures by a number of intrepid photographers, each showing different speeds and resulting effects.

seasonal installation art series

seasonal train photo shoot

Via Colossal, this seasonal lighting is meant to attract tourists and additional riders, a decorative nod to the holidays as well as a moving work of photogenic art.

seasonal train light art

seasonal disappearing train view

Images here were taken by Andras Csore, Victor Varga, Krisztian Birinyi, Krisztian Birinyi, Zsolt Andrasi English Hungary and the Centre for Budapest Transport.

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