Nova: The First Ever Off-Phone Flash that Really Flashes

09 Jun

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

Who is that ghost haunting all of the pics you took last night? Oh, it’s you? There has got to be a better flash than that one on your phone.

There is! It’s the Nova, the first ever off-phone flash that syncs with your phone (and protects you from haunted photos).

It talks to your phone via bluetooth so it’s free to roam up to 20 feet away, light from any angle and still flash when you hit your shutter.

The Nova is so small it fits in your wallet, but it is packed with LEDs that make it mighty bright.

Use the Nova app to adjust the brightness and color of your flash. Add warmth when the lights are low to give your smiling face an attractive glow and keep ghostly creatures from creepin’ in.

Get Your Own Nova Flash
$ 59 at the Photojojo Shop

© Britta for Photojojo, 2014. |
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