A Clip-on Camera: Capture Your Day in a Unique Way

20 May

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

Your day is full of fun and random moments that are, in our opinion, reality tv gold. So, where’s your film crew?

Meet the Narrative, a tiny clip-on camera to document your every day life in a much less obtrusive way.

It automatically snaps a pic every 30 seconds throughout your day and stores photos online to reminisce over later.

That cute puppy you saw in the park? Got it. That shop with the dinosaur print dress? Click. Your BFF who just spilled her iced coffee on an unsuspecting stranger? Oops.

Spend your time looking at cute things or trying to help clean up a coffee disaster and the Narrative will photograph the whole thing for you to laugh (or cringe) over later.

Capture the Moment With the Narrative
$ 229 at the Photojojo Shop

© Britta for Photojojo, 2014. |
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