Sci-Fi Staple: Star Wars Mosaic Made of Surprising Material

06 May

[ By Steph in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

Star Wars Staple Mosaics 1

Virtually no artistic medium has gone unexplored in the quest to celebrate the continuing legacy of the Star Wars series. There have been life-sized X-wing fighters made of Lego blocks, edible versions of every character, creatively decorated Stormtrooper helmets, tons of Star Wars-themed graffiti and even Star Wars Yoga. And now, artist Jim Haggerty offers up amazingly detailed mosaics made of thousands upon thousands of staples.

Star Wars Staple Mosaic 2

Star Wars Staple Mosaic 3

The New York City-based artist has created a series of Star Wars-themed staple mosaics including Darth Vader, C3PO and Greedo, the latter of which required an incredible 33,580 multi-colored staples.

Star Wars Staple Mosaic 4

Star Wars Staple Mosaic 5

Haggerty first paints a board, using dark colors to fill in the negative space, and then meticulously punches in individual staples for the highlights and mid-tones. The metallic gleam of the staples adds extra contrast against the black.

Star Wars Staple Mosaic 6

See more on Haggerty’s Facebook.

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[ By Steph in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

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