One-of-a-Kind Dollhouses Designed by 20 Famous Architects

29 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

dollhouse competition designers

Some of the world’s best and brightest architects and designers, including Zaha Hadid, have come together to create a series of unique custom dollhouses to be auctioned for a disabled children’s charity KIDS.

dollhouses flashy weird design

The array of approaches is as impressive as the collection of contributors (a full list of the latter to follow). Some designs are flashy and playful, others abstract and metaphorical, and still others practical and innovative.

dollhouse concrete modular inserts

Starting on the more rigid and straightforward side of things, one concrete creation features plug-and-play rooms that fit into a framework, acting as a learning tool as well as a toy.

dollhouse stackable room variants

Another puzzle-inspired arrangement features stackable spaces that be configured in an innumerable variety of possible ways, creating a game out of iterating spatial relationships.

dollhouse inflatable playspace surprise

One of the more surprising design, at least in terms of thinking outside the (jack in the) box, is shown above before and after deployment.  It has faux facades that open to reveal a full kid-sized inflatable playspace. But it is not the only design with a surprise inside.

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One Of A Kind Dollhouses Designed By 20 Famous Architects

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