Gas Station to Sheep Pasture: NYC Urban Intervention

20 Sep

[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

Gas Station Sheep Urban Art 1

Twenty-five silent, unmoving sheep gather on a carpet of lush green grass in the unlikeliest of places: an industrial gas station in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City. This surreal pop-up landscape is a team effort between art collector Michael Shvo and Paul Kasmin Gallery, aiming to bring outdoor exhibitions to a broad audience.

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Found in the center of the High Line arts district, ‘The Sheep Station’ installation incorporates iconic epoxy stone and bronze ‘Moutons,’ sculptures by the late artist Francois-Xavier Lalanne. For Lalanne, the sheep symbolized a personal mission to demystify art.

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This unexpected pastoral scene, which will be in place until October 20th 2013, is just one of a series of rotating public exhibitions that will be hosted at the former Getty Station. The station has been reclaimed by Paul Kasmin Gallery as a way to bring art – and a sense of fun – to a wider array of people than those who might wander into a museum or gallery.

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[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

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