Seasonal: Weekly Photography Challenge

12 Apr

Under "That" TreeThis week your photographic challenge is to take and share an image based on the theme of ‘Seasonal’.

Recently we published a post on how to improve your photography of Flowers which may serve as inspiration for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere for this weeks challenge but for those of us down south it could be time to look for some more Autumnal shots (I notice the leaves on the trees in our street this week are turning red).

So whatever the season where you are – grab your camera, head outside and try to capture the essence of what’s happening in Mother Nature in your part of the world right now.

Once you’ve taken your ‘seasonal’ image and have upload it to your favourite photo sharing site either share a link to it or – embed it in the comments using the our new tool to do so.

If you tag your photos on Flickr, Instagram, Twitter or other sites with Tagging tag them as #DPSSEASONAL to help others find them. Linking back to this page might also help others know what you’re doing so that they can share in the fun.

Also – don’t forget to check out some of the images posted in our last challenge – Window Portraits challenge where there were some great images submitted.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

Seasonal: Weekly Photography Challenge

Digital Photography School

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