Paper Cuts: 40 Puzzling Pop Culture Silhouettes

06 Feb

[ By Steph in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

Pop Culture Silhouettes 4

Some people – and characters – are so recognizable, we can tell who they are just by the outlines of their heads. All it takes is a few basic details, like a hat, a necklace or a certain hairstyle, to identify them. Others are more of a challenge. See for yourself with artist Olly Moss’ ‘Paper Cuts’ series depicting figures from pop culture.

Pop Culture Silhouettes 3

Pop Culture Silhouettes 2

Pop Culture Silhouettes 5

Pop Culture Silhouettes 6

Silhouettes from popular movies and television shows range from instantly identifiable to a bit more puzzling. Can you guess those top characters by their ’90s hairstyles?

Pop Culture Silhouettes 7

Pop Culture Silhouettes 8
Cartoons, game characters and superheroes might be the easiest of all. Who couldn’t identify Mario and Luigi, The Joker, Superman, or the Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote?

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Paper Cuts 40 Puzzling Pop Culture Silhouettes

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[ By Steph in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

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