PATROUILLE DE FRANCE Socoa septembre 2010

11 Jan

Demonstration de la patrouille de France ce septembre 2010.Team Leader: commandant Virginie Guyot.Music: Shoot to Thrill from AC/DC. My first plane video with Sony Z7 not ready as i was taken by surprise by the show in front of my house!!! i rushed with 20kg of gear to the beach side in the bay of St Jean de Luz.for the Z7 focus locked on infinity and manual exposure measured and locked exposed for the white to be safe, manual zoom because electronic zoom not ready on button so shaky when zooming or dezooming.once you loose the plane on viewfinder it is very difficult to catch up so immense concentration.i was shooting at the same time stills with tripod gitzo+wimberley head zoom nikon 200-400 ,1.4x extender and D300.i had to skip the tripod for fhe Z7 because i couldn t follow up hi above i did 3/4 of it hand was hectic jumping from one camera to another one as i was missing action at the same time on the Z7 while shooting stills.the shakyness is increased by the fact that i had to accelerate the speed of the rushes during edit otherwise the relative speed of the plane make it very slow on the screen and the action would have been sluggish. so it is fine from close on a 15 inch screen but from 20 inches it is better to put space between viewer and screen.the cloudy stills are from the previous day,training in fact!you learn everyday!! lots of excuses-hope you enjoyed it! Agur,Jean-Claude.

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